
Here are recent sightings submitted to us, which may not be verified. Please submit a sighting. If you have a query about a sighting please contact us on

See also the Walney Bird Observatory blog, latest photos from Cumbria on BirdGuides and the Cumbria Birding Facebook group.

81: 27 Apr 2024 Cuckoo

Location: Helsington Barrows

Name: Alan Ferguson

One bird calling just over the cliff edge towards Underbarrow at 19.30 pm. Also Green Woodpecker Yaffling from two different areas of the Barrows

82: 26 Apr 2024 (Female) Pied Flycatcher

Location: Woodland near Staveley

Name: Andrea Collins

Female Pied Flycatcher. She was busy gathering nest material though I didn’t see any males.


83: 25 Apr 2024 Common crossbill

Location: Gooseyfoot Tarn Grizedale. SD 33859708

Name: Sue Hazelwood

Female calling from top of Scots Pine. Got a clear view-mandibles obvious.

84: 25 Apr 2024 Mr

Location: Stainton Penrith

Name: Gerry Moore

White stork seen this morning about 10:35 flying with black backed gulls, at a guess double the size of the black backed gulls. At first I wondered if it was an osprey but the long trailing legs and long neck did not fit the osprey. Seen flying above alpaca farm.  

85: 24 Apr 2024 Whimbrels

Location: Biggar Bank, Walney

Name: Andrea Collins

Twelve Whimbrels on the beach below the Biggar Bank carpark, Walney Island.


86: 23 Apr 2024 Swift

Location: Siddick Pond

Name: Paul Reeves

Single Swift over Siddick Pond this evening along with many Swallows and Sand Martins.

87: 22 Apr 2024 Swift – single Swift by River Lune at 11.45am

Location: Coat Flatt, Tebay

Name: John France

88: 22 Apr 2024 Cuckoo

Location: Wythop valley

Name: Steve Haigh

Calling male on 22nd April.  This is one day earlier than 2023 and 3 days later than 2022.  1st May 2 calling males now resident in Wythop valley

89: 21 Apr 2024 Greenfinch

Location: Livingstone Homestead

Name: Andy Lester

Fairly impressive bird feeder totals this morning: Tree sparrow. 8 Greenfinch 2 Siskin 12 Lesser Redpoll 3 Yellowhammer 1 Goldfinch 6 Nuthatch 2 also blue tit 10, Chaffinch 7 (including ringed female, house sparrow 14, starling 8, Blackbird 4, Coal tit 1, Great tit 6, gs Woodpecker 1. 15 species on feeders, currently 38 species on site.  

90: 21 Apr 2024 Whinchat

Location: Torver Low Common

Name: Selina Tutin