
Here are recent sightings submitted to us, which may not be verified. Please submit a sighting. If you have a query about a sighting please contact us on

See also the Walney Bird Observatory blog, latest photos from Cumbria on BirdGuides and the Cumbria Birding Facebook group.

91: 20 Apr 2024 Grasshopper Warbler reeling. Also 1 Garden Warbler,

Location: Thacka Beck NR, Penrith

Name: John France

92: 20 Apr 2024 10+ Red-throated Diver

Location: Duddon Estuary, Hodbarrow

Name: Andrea Collins

At least 10 Red-throated Divers on Duddon Estuary at Hodbarrow at high tide. Plumages ranging from winter to full breeding and intermediate stages of moult.


93: 20 Apr 2024 Lesser Whitethroat

Location: Hodbarrow

Name: Andrea Collins

In trees beside main track between Haverigg and the lighthouse.


94: 20 Apr 2024 Common sandpiper

Location: A7 layby north of Longtown

Name: Andy Lester

At least three on shingle banks of Esk near lay-by.   Also 2 pairs of goosander, 25 sand martin, 1 willow Warbler.

95: 19 Apr 2024 Ring-necked duck

Location: Longtown Ponds

Name: Harry Coghill

Female still present with tufted duck flock, also yellow wagtail over

97: 18 Apr 2024 Oystercatcher movement

Location: Livingstone Homestead

Name: Andy Lester

Steady northwards movement tonight of Oystercatcher.   Difficult to estimate numbers, but likely to be 50+    Earlier 6 tree sparrow, 5 siskin, 2 willow warbler, 5 Swallow.

98: 17 Apr 2024 Ring necked Duck female

Location: Longtown ponds

Name: Chris Baines


99: 17 Apr 2024 More scoter

Location: Livingstone Homestead

Name: Andy Lester

Another flock of common scoter high over east tonight.  Based on calls a minimum of 10-15 birds

100: 16 Apr 2024 Common sandpiper

Location: Siddick pond

Name: Graham Burr