Membership is open to all who are interested in the birds of Cumbria, regardless of ability, race, age, gender, sexuality, political or religious affiliation.
Membership brings a number of benefits, including our quarterly newsletter , a free annual report Birds and Wildlife in Cumbria and several events – indoor talks and outdoor trips.

We would be very happy to add you to our growing list of members. Just download the Subscription Form , print it out, and return it with your Standing Order information or your subscription e.g. cheque, to the Secretary at the address on the form. Alternately, you can set up your own Direct Debit (DD) through your personal online bank account (Note: we cannot do this on your behalf). Please use a reference which includes your surname followed by ‘Subs’ e.g. SKingSubs.
Additionally we invite you to download and complete the Gift-Aid form. If you are a UK tax payer, CBC can claim the tax back on your donations and membership fee.
Alternatively, contact the Secretary Sue King with your name, address and phone number, and we’ll be in touch with subscription details as soon as we can.
Student members: Membership is free for under 21s in full time education – please complete the above subscription form and return to the Secretary.
CBC News is the Club’s quarterly bulletin free to all members – sent by email as a PDF. If you have some interesting tale of birding in Cumbria that you’re dying to share – why not send it to Adam Moan?
Many existing members will need to renew at the start of September each year. If you are on a PayPal subscription, this should renew automatically each year, unless you cancel it.
Join online using PayPal
Please also download, print, sign and post our Gift-Aid form.