Cumbria is an excellent county for bird watching: the Lake District, superb coasts and estuaries, woods and fast-flowing rivers, up to Pennine moors.
- Do join the club to receive regular CBC Newsletters by email.
- The Cumbria Bird Club runs events throughout the year, conducts important survey work and produces annual bird reports.
Latest sightings
- 17 Sep 2024: Livingstone Homestead
Tree sparrow - 16 Sep 2024: Livingstone Homestead
Migration - 15 Sep 2024: Parkside Moss
Snipe - 13 Sep 2024: Bowscale fell
Golden eagle! - 12 Sep 2024: CA3 9FJ
I’ve never seen before.
- Here are some ideas on where to watch birds in Cumbria.
- Don’t forget to check the tide times and weather.
- Please report any sightings and send us photos
- Join the Birding Cumbria Google group and follow us on Twitter.
- We are working on a new county avifauna based on the BTO Bird Atlas survey.
- Please help out with any on-going surveys in the county.
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