We are working on a new county avifauna based on the BTO Bird Atlas survey in 2007-2011.
The species maps are available to view or download here: Cumbria Breeding and Wintering Atlas 2007 -2012
The avifauna will replace “The Breeding Birds of Cumbria: a tetrad atlas 1997-2001” book published by Cumbria Bird Club on 18th September 2002.
This book won the prestigious Hunter Davies prize for the Lakeland Book of the Year 2003. Our chairman Peter Ullrich also collected the Titus Wilson prize for the best book in the category covering guides, walks and places. These awards were a tremendous achievement for the Club and are a further recognition of the ground-breaking nature of the Atlas. After the ceremony both Border TV and Radio Cumbria broadcast interviews with Hunter Davies and Peter Ullrich.

Buying a copy
We have a few copies of the Atlas remaining at a cost of £15.00 including postage and packing. Please contact Sue King for further information.