
Here are recent sightings submitted to us, which may not be verified. Please submit a sighting. If you have a query about a sighting please contact us on

See also the Walney Bird Observatory blog, latest photos from Cumbria on BirdGuides and the Cumbria Birding Facebook group.

41: 21 May 2024 Ring plover with 2 very young chicks

Location: The Old Steel works,Moss bay,Workington

Name: Phil Betteridge

42: 21 May 2024 Reed Bunting and Yellowhammer

Location: St. John's in the Vale

Name: Paul Turton

Reed Bunting, Yellowhammer, Cuckoo’s and Redstart. Lower valley path following the river.


43: 19 May 2024 Gropper

Location: Geltsdale RSPB Reserve

Name: Andy Lester

Totals today: 3m grasshopper warbler incl x1 showing well from trail near visitor centre 6 cuckoo.  4m 2f 5 whinchat.  3m 2f 3m sedge w 3m whitethroat 3m garden warbler but not a single wheatear!!      

44: 18 May 2024 CBC Dawn chorus event

Location: Livingstone Homestead

Name: Andy Lester

Species list from dawn chorus event: Cuckoo 1 tree sparrow 5 Redpoll 1 siskin 8 redstart 3 willow Warbler 7 chiff chaff 4 dipper 1 grey Wagtail 1 also:  blue tit 8.  Great tit 5.  coal tit 3.   Goldcrest 2.  Buzzard 1. House sp 10 Swallow 5.  House Martin 4. sand martin 1.  Nuthatch 1.  treecreeper 2. blackcap 5 Skylark 1.  jackdaw 12.  carrion crow 3 Rook 2.   bullfinch 4.   Chaffinch 12. Greenfinch 1.    starling 25.   Blackbird 6. song Thrush 8.  Wren 14.  Robin 6 dunnock 3. Goldfinch 7. woodpigeon 12.  collated Dove 2.  stock Dove 2.   pheasant 4.    Great sp Woodpecker 2  

Total:  40 species

45: 18 May 2024 Honey Buzzard over garden heading north

Location: New Hutton, Kendal

Name: Robert Petley-Jones

Single bird flying low over garden being harassed by rooks and jackdaws.  Long tail and broad wings clear, as was flat wing profile as it circled over the site.  Observer familiar with the species from time as Senior Reserves Manager at Roudsea Wood and Mosses NNR, when birds from nearby were regularly seen over the site. It moved north towards Fisher Tarn reservoir.  Sighting at c, 16.45.

46: 15 May 2024 Great white egret

Location: Saltcoats

Name: Graham Burr

47: 13 May 2024 Migrant count

Location: Longtown Gravel Pits

Name: Andy Lester

Longtown Pits area incl Arthuret Pools.   whitethroat 8male garden warbler 7m blackcap 8m willow Warbler 12 chiff chaff 6 swift 4 sand martin 150-200 swallow 60-80 goosander 2.     1m 1f shelduck 3 yellow Wagtail. 1 wigeon 2 shoveler 4.   2m 2f gadwall 2.  1m 1f kingfisher 3.  2ad 1juv common sandpiper 5    

48: 12 May 2024 Little gull

Location: Wedholme Flow

Name: Andy Lester

Wedholme Flow this am with Connor Fraser: 1 male garganey 1 1st summer little gull 7 garden warbler 12 black tailed godwit 2 sedge Warbler 2 cuckoo (males) 18-20 willow Warbler 9m reed bunting  

49: 12 May 2024 Red Kite

Location: Penrith

Name: John France

Bird flying West over Penrith town centre at 12.10pm

50: 11 May 2024 Migrants move through

Location: Livingstone Homestead

Name: Andy Lester

Weird sighting of a sedge warbler in sitka spruce for an hour before heading north. Also:  tree pipit, redstart, common whitethroat, tree sparrow