
Here are recent sightings submitted to us, which may not be verified. Please submit a sighting. If you have a query about a sighting please contact us on

See also the Walney Bird Observatory blog, latest photos from Cumbria on BirdGuides and the Cumbria Birding Facebook group.

101: 16 Apr 2024 White stork

Location: B5282 heading towards Milnthorpe from Sandside in a flooded field

Name: Dawn Dawson

I was so shocked to see it  (approx 2.15 pm) I immediately thought white stork, then but how can it be? We were driving by in the car and was unable to stop or take a photo. I’ m pretty sure of what I saw (I’ve been a birdwatcher for 50 years) in those  few seconds but then I doubt myself. I noticed there had been a sighting a few days ago in Cumbria. I wondered if you have had any more reports to confirm?

102: 16 Apr 2024 Pied Flycatchers

Location: Aira Force

Name: Paul Turton

Lots of nesting activity. Several Pied Flycatchers, Bullfinch, Raven, Song Thrush, Willow Warbler and a very brief appearance of a male Redstart.


103: 15 Apr 2024 Green sandpiper

Location: Livingstone Homestead

Name: Andy Lester

Briefly one calling over.   New site record.   Also 3 willow warbler, Swallow,blackcap, Siskin, chiff chaff, 5 tree sparrow, dipper Inc 2 juvs, Sparrowhawk

104: 14 Apr 2024 Singing lesser whitethroat

Location: Brick Works Lane

Name: Mike Douglas

Singing from blackthorn hedge

105: 14 Apr 2024 Pied Flycatcher and Eider

Location: Silver Meadows and Workington

Name: Paul Reeves

Male Pied Flycatcher at Silver Meadows Nature Reserve, Dubwath, Bassenthwaite and 2 Eider (1 male/1 female) just off the jetty, Workington – 1 Gannet flyby also.

106: 13 Apr 2024 White Stork!

Location: Kirkby Thore

Name: Eleanor Mawer

Solitary white stork in small tarn to north of Kirkby Thore.


107: 13 Apr 2024 Improving movement of hirundine

Location: Campfield Marshes. RSPB Reserve

Name: Andy Lester

260 barnacle geese 300 pink footed geese 1 ruff 7 Swallow 2 house martin 20 sand martin 3 willow Warbler 3 blackcap 5 chiff chaff 4 tree sparrow

108: 13 Apr 2024 Little Ringed Plover

Location: Close to Thacka Beck

Name: Robert Dawson

Pair on small piece of waste ground between 2 large industrial units. Exactly same spot as seen last year.

109: 13 Apr 2024 Purple Sandpipers

Location: Workington Pier

Name: Paul Reeves

Six Purple Sandpipers on rock armour close to the watch tower, late Saturday afternoon.

110: 13 Apr 2024 Singing reed warbler

Location: Sea Wood, Ulverston

Name: Mike Douglas

Singing from coastal reedbed