
Here are recent sightings submitted to us, which may not be verified. Please submit a sighting. If you have a query about a sighting please contact us on

See also the Walney Bird Observatory blog, latest photos from Cumbria on BirdGuides and the Cumbria Birding Facebook group.

691: 15 Feb 2023 Red-breasted Goose – 1

Location: Brownrigg

Name: Birdguides

692: 15 Feb 2023 Flock of whooper swans

Location: Thurstonfield

Name: David Gillies

A flock of around 20 swans, which I think are whooper swans have spent the last few days in a field between Thurstonfield and Kirkbampton. The have been here grazing in the field for around 7 days each year for the previous 2 years at least.

693: 13 Feb 2023 Smew – 1 redhead still

Location: Tindale Tarn

Name: Adam Moan per birding cumbria

694: 12 Feb 2023 Firecrest – 1

Location: Siddick Ponds feeders

Name: Facebook per Bob Jones

695: 12 Feb 2023 Bittern – 1

Location: Campfield Marsh RSPB reserve

Name: Birding Cumbria

696: 11 Feb 2023 Red Kite

Location: Rickerby Park

Red Kite over Rickerby Park 16.50 hrs flying north.

697: 11 Feb 2023 Smew – 1 redhead still

Location: Tindale Tarn

Name: Birdguides

698: 11 Feb 2023 Smew – 1 redhead still

Location: Siddick Ponds

Name: Andy Langford via Birding Cumbria Whatsapp

699: 10 Feb 2023 Red Kite

Location: Winster Valley

Name: David Wadsworth

to right of A5074  Breen Lane area

700: 9 Feb 2023 Smew – 1 Redhead still

Location: Tindale Tarn