
Here are recent sightings submitted to us, which may not be verified. Please submit a sighting. If you have a query about a sighting please contact us on

See also the Walney Bird Observatory blog, latest photos from Cumbria on BirdGuides and the Cumbria Birding Facebook group.

601: 23 Apr 2023 Little tern

Location: Walney channel

Name: Robert Pocklington

Little tern flying up the channel at 3:30pm

602: 23 Apr 2023 Long-tailed Duck and Red-throated Divers

Location: Hodbarrow and Duddon Estuary

Name: Andrea Collins

Female Long-tailed Duck still present on main lagoon. At least 15 Red-throated Divers came into the Duddon estuary on the rising tide although they stayed well out in the middle of the estuary. Some were in breeding plumage. Also two Whimbrels flushed from the rocks below the sea wall by the rising tide.


603: 23 Apr 2023 Swift – 1

Location: Beacon Edge, Penrith

Name: John France

604: 22 Apr 2023 Little Gull – 12 heading out of the Bay

Location: Walney

Name: Walney Bird Observatory

605: 19 Apr 2023 Spotted Flycatcher – 1

Location: Church Moss

Name: Arnold Strand

606: 19 Apr 2023 Common Whitethroat – 1

Location: Church Moss

Name: Arnold Strand

607: 19 Apr 2023 Sedge Warbler – 1

Location: Church Moss

Name: Arnold Strand

608: 19 Apr 2023 Sedge Warbler – 2

Location: Foulshaw Moss

Name: David Burns Thexton

609: 19 Apr 2023 Pomarine Skua – 1 east

Location: Bowness-on-Solway

Name: Bob Jones per Birding Cumbria

610: 18 Apr 2023 Black-winged Stilt

Location: Winder Gate, Frizington – garden flyover

Name: Julian Smith

I was in my garden at c7.30am. enjoying the beautiful April sunshine, killing time before the daily the school run, when I heard a familiar but out-of-context call, repeated several times. When I looked up I couldn’t believe my eyes as a Black-winged Stilt winged its way purposefully NW. Excellent, albeit rather brief view, in gorgeous early morning sunshine, with the following characteristics noted:

  • distinctive call
  • unmistakeable proportions with long red legs (!) extending well beyond tail, and neck extended
  • white underparts
  • dark underwings
  • pointed wings with rather fast wingbeats
  • rather long, fine, dark bill
Black-winged Stilt on the Frizington garden list! A remarkably similar sighting to that posted by Anita Evans on the on Sunday 16th April. Julian Smith