
Here are recent sightings submitted to us, which may not be verified. Please submit a sighting. If you have a query about a sighting please contact us on

See also the Walney Bird Observatory blog, latest photos from Cumbria on BirdGuides and the Cumbria Birding Facebook group.

701: 5 Mar 2023 Green-winged Teal plus redhead Smew still

Location: Tindale Tarn

Name: Pete Howard via Birding Cumbria Whatsapp

702: 5 Mar 2023 Snow Goose – 1 immature

Location: Newton Marsh

Name: Nick Franklin via Birding Cumbria

703: 4 Mar 2023 Smew – 1 redhead still

Location: Tindale Tarn

Name: Pete Howard via Birding Cumbria Whatsapp

704: 4 Mar 2023 Smew – 1 redhead still

Location: Siddick Ponds

Name: Chris Mason via Birding Cumbria whatsapp

705: 3 Mar 2023 Smew – 1 redhead still

Location: Tindale Tarn

Name: Pete Howard via Birding Cumbria Whatsapp

706: 1 Mar 2023 Long-tailed Duck – 1

Location: Arnside

Name: John Bromley per LDBWS

707: 25 Feb 2023 Snow Goose – 1

Location: SE of Calvo

Name: Nick Franklin via Birding Cumbria

708: 24 Feb 2023 Snow Goose – 1

Location: Campfield Marsh, fields west of Halton Fen

Name: Nick Franklin per Birding Cumbria

709: 23 Feb 2023 100+ golden plover 10 ringed plover 60+curlew and 85 turnstone and 1 knot

Location: Siddick to Flimby shoreline

Name: Graham Burr

710: 23 Feb 2023 Tundra Bean Goose – 1

Location: Fields east of Whitrigg Bridge

Name: Nick Franklin via Birding Cumbria