• 100+ golden plover 10 ringed plover 60+curlew and 85 turnstone and 1 knot

    Sighting date: 2023-02-23. Submitted by: Graham Burr. Location: Siddick to Flimby shoreline. 

  • Smew – 1 Redhead still

    Sighting date: 2023-02-22. Submitted by: Stephen Westerberg via birding Cumbria. Location: Tindale Tarn. 

  • Bittern – 1 still

    Sighting date: 2023-02-21. Submitted by: Adam Collinge. Location: Campfield RSPB reserve. 

  • Snow Goose

    Sighting date: 2023-02-21. Submitted by: A. Collinge. Location: Campfield Marsh.  An adult pure white bird with jet black primaries feeding amongst hundreds of Pinkfoot in the fields around Campfield Marsh, in flight almost Gannet like amonst the Geese. Not a hybrid as i have seen in the past. Does not look like an escape? Also today Bittern…

  • Green-winged Teal – 1 drake drifting east on tide

    Sighting date: 2023-02-19. Submitted by: Chis Taylor via Birding Cumbria whatsapp. Location: Port Carlisle. 

  • Smew

    Sighting date: 2023-02-19. Submitted by: Graham Burr. Location: Siddick pond . 

  • Flock of whooper swans

    Sighting date: 2023-02-15. Submitted by: David Gillies. Location: Thurstonfield.  A flock of around 20 swans, which I think are whooper swans have spent the last few days in a field between Thurstonfield and Kirkbampton. The have been here grazing in the field for around 7 days each year for the previous 2 years at least.

  • Red-breasted Goose – 1

    Sighting date: 2023-02-15. Submitted by: Birdguides. Location: Brownrigg. 

  • Smew – 1 redhead still

    Sighting date: 2023-02-13. Submitted by: Adam Moan per birding cumbria. Location: Tindale Tarn. 

  • Bittern – 1

    Sighting date: 2023-02-12. Submitted by: Birding Cumbria. Location: Campfield Marsh RSPB reserve.