goosander chicks

Sighting date: 2023-04-28. 

Submitted by: Dee Gaffney. 

Location: On River Eden, East of Carlisle, about 500 metres before the river goes under the M6. NY 429568. 

I saw an odd thing yesterday, 6 small goosanders  – about half the size of an adult – swimming together along the River Eden, upstream from Carlisle.   I was  exploring the river bank by  bike from the centre of Carlisle upstream and got nearly as far as the M6.  Several things seemed odd – the birds were more developed than I’d expect for April 28th, and there was no visible mother with them.  I admit I was concerned for them.  Sadly, their future will be one thing I never know.

The river seems nice and clean, i saw several fish jumping.

is it unusual to see baby goosanders this early in the season?