• Long-tailed Duck – 1 female

    Sighting date: 2022-12-07. Submitted by: Marc McLoughlin. Location: Hodbarrow. 

  • Yellow-browed Warbler – 1

    Sighting date: 2022-12-07. Submitted by: Dave Thexton. Location: Hodbarrow.  Marc McLoughlin

  • Red-necked Grebe – 1 on sea

    Sighting date: 2022-12-07. Submitted by: Arnold Strand. Location: Netherton. 

  • Great and little egrets

    Sighting date: 2022-12-06. Submitted by: David Hartropp. Location: Sandside estuary . 

  • Smew – 1 redhead

    Sighting date: 2022-12-06. Submitted by: Pete Howard. Location: Tindale Tarn. 

  • male Sparrowhawk

    Sighting date: 2022-12-04. Submitted by: Mike Redman. Location: Foulshaw Moss. 

  • Smew – 1 Redhead still

    Sighting date: 2022-12-04. Submitted by: Chris Mason via Birding Cumbria what’s app. Location: Siddick Pond. 

  • Common Scoter

    Sighting date: 2022-12-01. Submitted by: Paul Haughian. Location: Cavendish Dock Barrow .  3:30 just before light went.

  • Tawny Owl

    Sighting date: 2022-12-01. Submitted by: Mike Redman. Location: Arnside garden. 

  • Cetti’s Warbler

    Sighting date: 2022-11-28. Submitted by: Stephen Taylor. Location: Park End Moss.  Singing loud and clear very close to the hide entrance throughout my stay (9:15 to 11:00am). Saw briefly a few times flitting low across the path.