• Whooper flock

    Sighting date: 2023-03-19. Submitted by: Steve Russell. Location: Grasmere.  From Millennium Bridge, Grasmere, 0840 hrs: Approx 35/40 Whooper Swans seen in flight crossing the face of Silver Howe, heading almost due N. Suspect they’d been resting on Grasmere (or Rydal Water) as have seen a flock of Whoopers on Grasmere in mid-March in both 2022 & 2021.

  • Sand Martin – 4

    Sighting date: 2023-03-17. Submitted by: Anon. Location: Longtown. 

  • Northern Wheatear – 1

    Sighting date: 2023-03-17. Submitted by: Mike Mills per Birding Cumbria. Location: Lowca. 

  • Osprey – 1 north

    Sighting date: 2023-03-17. Submitted by: Birdguides. Location: Tebay Services. 

  • Chiffchaff – 1 singing

    Sighting date: 2023-03-17. Submitted by: John Callion per Birding Cumbria. Location: Ambleside Uni. 

  • Smew – 1 redhead still south end

    Sighting date: 2023-03-16. Submitted by: Chris Mason via Birding Cumbria whatsapp. Location: Siddick Ponds. 

  • Sandwich Tern – 2 plus Long-tailed Duck still present

    Sighting date: 2023-03-16. Submitted by: Rachelle per birding Cumbria. Location: Hodbarrow. 

  • Long-tailed Duck

    Sighting date: 2023-03-14. Submitted by: Andrea Collins. Location: Hodbarrow.  Long-tailed Duck still at Hodbarrow on the main lagoon this morning. Still a bit camera shy unfortunately.

  • Long-tailed Duck – 1 still

    Sighting date: 2023-03-12. Submitted by: Bob Jones per Twitter. Location: Hodbarrow. 

  • Smew – 1 Redhead still at south end

    Sighting date: 2023-03-12. Submitted by: Chris Mason per Birding Cumbria. Location: Siddick Ponds .