• Curlew Sandpiper adult

    Sighting date: 2023-08-26. Submitted by: Dave Shackleton. Location: Ravenglass. 

  • Red kite.

    Sighting date: 2023-08-26. Submitted by: Virginia Taylor. Location: Shap fell by A6 I think at packhorse hill .  Good view of raptor from distance as neared realised not buzzard!! Finger wings forked tail different circling pattern no doubt. Seen 100s in falsterbo over years…it’s a one-glimpse bird for me. was driving…. just before road rounds ‘headland’ on…

  • Osprey

    Sighting date: 2023-08-25. Submitted by: John France. Location: Penrith .  The bird flew over our house at 6pm, flying over from the north.

  • Purple Heron – 1 juvenile

    Sighting date: 2023-08-25. Submitted by: Gar per LDBWS. Location: River Bela, Whasset. 

  • Spotted Flycatcher

    Sighting date: 2023-08-24. Submitted by: Gary Bolton. Location: CA7 2QA .  Feeding from perch (an overhead powerline) in field behind house. Habitat – hedgerow/mature trees/scrub/grazing field. First sighting this year.

  • Birds observed from our cottage and within 1 Mile of it during our stay

    Sighting date: 2023-08-20. Submitted by: Joe Makepeace. Location: Maulds Meaburn.  Birds and plants observed from our cottage (Plants in the garden / on wall) :- Maulds Meaburn Jackdaw 23 House Martin 25 Linnet 8 Herring Gull 1 Swallow 28 Siskin 3 Collared Dove 1 Rook 32 Pied Wagtail 2 Buzzard 1 Raven 7 Crow 3 Grey Wagtail…

  • Black Tern – 1

    Sighting date: 2023-08-23. Submitted by: Gar per LDBWS. Location: Halforth. 

  • Common Scoter

    Sighting date: 2023-08-22. Submitted by: Jonathan Lishman. Location: Wet sleddale Reservoir .  1 male. 3 Swift at Sunbiggen Tarn.

  • Wood Sandpiper

    Sighting date: 2023-08-22. Submitted by: Jonathan Lishman. Location: Killington Reservoir .  1 juv accidentally flushed from Eastern shore. Also 1 juv Little ringed plover in NE Bay.

  • Sabine’s Gull – 1 north

    Sighting date: 2023-08-22. Submitted by: BirdGuides. Location: St Bees.