• Long-tailed Skua – 1 east

    Sighting date: 2023-05-18. Submitted by: Colin Mason, John Ireland, Phil Evans. Location: Bowness-on-Solway. 

  • Yellow Wagtails – pair

    Sighting date: 2023-05-16. Submitted by: Robert Dawson. Location: Eden Valley. 

  • Hoopoe – 1

    Sighting date: 2023-05-12. Submitted by: Walney Bird Observatory. Location: Walney. 

  • Avocet – 2

    Sighting date: 2023-05-12. Submitted by: Rachelle per birding cumbria. Location: Hodbarrow. 

  • Hooded Merganser

    Sighting date: 2023-05-12. Submitted by: Keith McVeigh. Location: Whinfell Tarn . 

  • Little Gull and Little Ringed Plover

    Sighting date: 2023-05-11. Submitted by: Graham Buchan. Location: River Esk, Longtown.  1 Little Gull, 1 Little Ringed Plover, 5 Common Sandpiper, south of the bridge bridge

  • Little Gull – 2

    Sighting date: 2023-05-10. Submitted by: Mike Porter via Birding Cu Maria. Location: River Esk, Longtown. 

  • Velvet Scoter – 3

    Sighting date: 2023-05-07. Submitted by: Walney Bird Observatory. Location: Walney. 

  • Whimbrel 35 on tide line at 7 45 am

    Sighting date: 2023-05-09. Submitted by: Graham Burr. Location: Harrington shore.   

  • Roseate Tern

    Sighting date: 2023-05-08. Submitted by: Phil Collier. Location: Hodbarrow.  1 x adult bird resting close to the Sandwich Terns viewed from the hide at 7.45pm.  Flew off after 10 minutes.