• Black-throated Diver

    Sighting date: 2023-11-12. Submitted by: David Dixon. Location: Talkin Tarn.  The juvenile Black-throated Diver was present until 07:40am. At this time it took flight circled the Tarn six times gaining height before heading off eastwards. I watched it through bins until it bcame an almost indiscernible speck.

  • Waxwing flock

    Sighting date: 2023-11-11. Submitted by: David Dixon. Location: Talkin Tarn.  Circa 20 Waxwings headed over Talkin Tarn in straight westward flight at about 07:45 am.

  • Ring-necked Parakeet

    Sighting date: 2023-11-12. Submitted by: Mark Jacques. Location: Egremont – Pitt’s Farm allotments. 

  • Black-throated Diver and Red-necked Grebe

    Sighting date: 2023-11-11. Submitted by: Pete Howard. Location: Talkin Tarn.  Juvenile BT Diver and RN Grebe both still present on Talkin Tarn mid morning. Apparently not bothered by the rowing boats present since 8am.

  • Black-throated Diver – 1 plus Red-necked Grebe still present

    Sighting date: 2023-11-10. Submitted by: Roy Bottomley. Location: Talkin Tarn. 

  • Waxwing – 3

    Sighting date: 2023-11-10. Submitted by: LDBWS. Location: Beetham Nurseries. 

  • Red-necked Grebe

    Sighting date: 2023-11-10. Submitted by: Keith McVeigh. Location: Talkin Tarn . 

  • (Juvenile) Red-throated Diver

    Sighting date: 2023-11-10. Submitted by: Andrea Collins. Location: Duddon estuary, Hodbarrow.  River Duddon estuary, close to Hodbarrow lighthouse.

  • A flock of 100 fieldfares, feeding …just above our heads for 15 min. (On an old Hawthorn Overgrown Hedge)

    Sighting date: 2023-11-08. Submitted by: Nick Harmer. Location: Lane (East) of Rampside Church, Barrow. 

  • Waxwing – 1

    Sighting date: 2023-11-08. Submitted by: Garry Gould. Location: Kentrigg Walk, Kendal.