• Snow Bunting on High Snockrigg

    Sighting date: 2023-11-28. Submitted by: Chris Nuttall. Location: High Snockrigg summit above Buttermere.  A flock of about eight birds landed near the summit of which I saw two on the ground and identified them as Snow Buntings. They flew off in a northerly direction after a few minutes.

  • Penrith Waxwings

    Sighting date: 2023-11-28. Submitted by: Robert Dawson. Location: Macadam Gardens.  Flock of c40 still using oak tree to perch overlooking St Catherine’s playing field each late morning/ lunchtime

  • Waxwings, Brampton.

    Sighting date: 2023-11-26. Submitted by: David Dixon. Location: Brampton.  Oak Park/Beckside Gardens. 4 birds maybe plus 1 other feeding on berries in jitty oposite number 1. Oak Park, also getting in tops of nearby trees and rooftop tv aerials. From observations yesterday and today I think 4 birds are staying together and 1 bird is doing it’s…

  • Waxwings

    Sighting date: 2023-11-25. Submitted by: Sally Logue. Location: Kirkoswald.  Small flock of 15 perched in birch tree and feeding off small rowan in my garden

  • Waxwings

    Sighting date: 2023-11-26. Submitted by: Roy BOTTOMLEY. Location: Penrith .  Feeding just off Newton Road, near Church in the Barn.

  • Waxwing

    Sighting date: 2023-11-25. Submitted by: David Dixon. Location: Brampton.  5 Waxwings at least Oak Park/Beckside Gardens, Brampton.  09:15 am

  • Waxwings

    Sighting date: 2023-11-24. Submitted by: Pete Howard. Location: Carlisle .  18 Waxwings at West Walls car park, Carlisle this morning. Feeding on Rowan on opposite side of railway line.

  • Waxwing

    Sighting date: 2023-11-23. Submitted by: Gary Gould. Location: Wattsfield, Kendal..  Flock of 20 + flying over Bellingham Road, Wattsfield.

  • Waxwings

    Sighting date: 2023-11-23. Submitted by: Roy BOTTOMLEY. Location: Penrith .  50+ on Bridge Lane opposite Esso garage.

  • Whooper swans

    Sighting date: 2023-11-21. Submitted by: Jeffrey Frankland. Location: Milnthorpe Marsh.  Two whooper swans in flooded field at College Green Farm – there had been six there 17 November. Also large flock of dunlin.