• Common Redpoll

    Sighting date: 2024-01-18. Submitted by: Paul Turton. Location: Haweswater .  Feeding on Alder. Close to the shore at Haweswater. Opposite side to the hotel.

  • Glaucous Gull juv

    Sighting date: 2024-01-17. Submitted by: Derek McAlone. Location: Workington harbour.  present this morning by the wooden jetty and yesterday (flight shot) by the pier

  • Red Kite – 2

    Sighting date: 2024-01-12. Submitted by: Raymond Clark. Location: Near Whinfell. 

  • Jack Snipe

    Sighting date: 2024-01-15. Submitted by: Roy Bottomley. Location: Thacka Beck NR .  Three out in the open.

  • Great Northern Diver – 1

    Sighting date: 2024-01-13. Submitted by: Dave Shackleton. Location: Lake Windermere – south of Ramp Holme Island. 

  • Harris’s Hawk – 1

    Sighting date: 2024-01-11. Submitted by: Tony Graham. Location: North Plain Farm. 

  • Mediterranean gull

    Sighting date: 2024-01-13. Submitted by: Graham Burr. Location: Harrington shore.  Mediterranean gull with black headed gulls feeding on football field

  • Spoonbill – 1

    Sighting date: 2024-01-12. Submitted by: Dave Blackledge per Birding Cumbria. Location: Campfield Marsh . 

  • Blackcap

    Sighting date: 2024-01-10. Submitted by: Paul Turton. Location: Stainton (Penrith).  Never seen a Blackcap on my suburban garden feeders before.

  • White-fronted Goose

    Sighting date: 2024-01-08. Submitted by: Roy BOTTOMLEY. Location: Edenhall .  Single Russian White-fronted Goose with over 700 Pink-footed Geese along R. Eden.