• Waxwings

    Sighting date: 2023-12-28. Submitted by: Roy BOTTOMLEY. Location: Penrith .  120 seen on 26/1, and now at least 230 late afternoon. Seen along a66 at edge of Frenchfield Park (playing fields). Also feeding on hawthorns on other side of a66, between the Brougham road and Police HQ.

  • Great Northern Diver

    Sighting date: 2023-12-26. Submitted by: Roy BOTTOMLEY. Location: Ullswater .  One between Pooley Bridge and Waterside House.

  • Great grey shrike?

    Sighting date: 2023-12-26. Submitted by: Judith Townend. Location: Lazonby.  Saw a bird on telephone wire, grey colouring, very long dark tail, it was against the light and no clear  view of the head. About the size of a blackbird Not convinced it was a shrike but the tail was so distinctive and can’t think what else it…

  • Pintail – 1

    Sighting date: 2023-12-24. Submitted by: Robert Dawson. Location: Thacka Beck. 

  • Brambling over

    Sighting date: 2023-12-24. Submitted by: Andy Lester. Location: Moat near Longtown .  one over south calling late morning;   also 6 tree sparrow still and 3 dipper

  • Waxwings

    Sighting date: 2023-11-21. Submitted by: Carl Stretton. Location: Keswick car park.  Flock of about 20 to 30 waxwings in a tree in keswick car park.

  • Green-winged Teal – 1 drake

    Sighting date: 2023-12-16. Submitted by: Andrew Chick per Birding Cumbria. Location: Roosecote Sands. 

  • Water Pipit – 5 over high tide period

    Sighting date: 2023-12-14. Submitted by: Walney BO. Location: Biggar Bank, flooded horse paddocks. 

  • Little Egret

    Sighting date: 2023-12-14. Submitted by: Peter Finn. Location: Whitehaven, Mirehouse.  Not a rarity as such but, Little Egret on Pow Beck, behind Mirehouse FC, Whitehaven. Flushed from beck and flew onto pitch, never seen one in the area before.

  • Waxwing sighting

    Sighting date: 2023-12-14. Submitted by: Martin Clarke. Location: Frenchfield Penrith .  30-40 waxwings sighted in a small copse of trees around the perimeter of Frenchfield playing fields Penrith.   Just out or my daily jog so no camera unfortunately!