• Oystercatcher

    Sighting date: 2024-01-01. Submitted by: Roy Bottomley. Location: Little Salkeld .  Four early returning birds along the Eden.

  • Great White Egret

    Sighting date: 2023-12-31. Submitted by: Roy Bottomley. Location: Little Salkeld .  One near Briggle Beck.

  • Smew – 2 redheads Ulpha Meadows briefly then flew off towards Kent Estuary. Didn’t return.

    Sighting date: 2024-01-01. Submitted by: Dave Thexton. Location: Ulpha Meadows/Kent Estuary. 

  • Merlin

    Sighting date: 2024-01-01. Submitted by: A. Collinge. Location: Anthorn.  500 plus Golden Plover put up by a female Merlin. Perched on post in front of field with Barnacles

  • Duck counts

    Sighting date: 2024-01-01. Submitted by: Andy Lester. Location: Longtown Gravel Pits.  3 goosander (1m) 12 goldeneye  (2m) 80 wigeon 35 tufted duck 45 gadwall 15 shoveler 4 little grebe      

  • Whooper Swan and GWE

    Sighting date: 2024-01-01. Submitted by: Andy Lester. Location: Rockcliffe Marsh/Esk Boat House.  A productive morning count from coast path above the Esk Boat House   12 whooper Swan (5 still present when I left at 11.30) 1 great white egret (low east) 1800 barnacle geese 350 pink footed geese 5 little egret

  • Brambling at High Moat Carwinley

    Sighting date: 2023-12-30. Submitted by: Andy Lester. Location: Carwinley.  single brambling between High Moat and Low Moat Farm, Carwinley also: 280 chaffinch 140 linnet 1 marsh tit 8 fieldfare 3 bullfinch

  • Oystercatcher

    Sighting date: 2023-12-30. Submitted by: John France. Location: Penrith, Castletown Recreation Field.  A single bird pulling worms from the football field.  Potentially an early returning bird?

  • Jack snipe

    Sighting date: 2023-12-29. Submitted by: Andy Lester. Location: Moat near Longtown .  One flushed from rush pasture behind Livingstone Homestead near Moat at 9.45pm.  Also 2 common snipe

  • Good counts of sawbills

    Sighting date: 2023-12-29. Submitted by: Andy Lester. Location: Longtown Gravel Pits.  11 goldeneye still (all fem) 5 goosander Inc 3m 51 gadwall 38 teal 20 tufted duck (no sign of red today)