Sightings at Buttermere
Sighting date: 2024-04-01. Submitted by: Jon Mills. Location: Buttermere . 9 Goldeneye (4f, 5m) 2 Red-breasted Merganser
Bird sightings at Tarn Hows
Sighting date: 2024-04-02. Submitted by: Jon Mills. Location: Tarn Hows . 2 Goldeneye (1m, 1f) 2 Red-breasted Merganser (1f, 1m)
Little ringed plover
Sighting date: 2024-04-02. Submitted by: Graham Burr. Location: Siddick ponds . LRP on small ponds islands
spring movements
Sighting date: 2024-04-01. Submitted by: Andy Lester. Location: Bassenthwaite Marshes . Despite the wet weather: c85 sand martin 5 house Martin 2 Swallow 1 willow Warbler usual spring raptor activity for site
Male Pied Flycatcher
Sighting date: 2024-03-31. Submitted by: James Brockbank. Location: Garden SD2195.
Female Common Scoter.
Sighting date: 2024-03-31. Submitted by: Ian Slater. Location: River Kent on northern edge of Kendal adjacent to Dockray Hall Industrial Estate. Just to north of footbridge at SD5161693641. Very wary bird. Good views from paths on both side of river to north of footbridge. No photo as only had phone.
Ring Ouzel
Sighting date: 2024-03-31. Submitted by: Gary Jones. Location: Bridleway half a mile South of Adamthwaite, Rawthey Valley. One singing male
6 short eared owls, 1 barn owl and numerous red grouse
Sighting date: 2024-03-30. Submitted by: Graham Burr. Location: Northern penines.
Willow Warbler – 1
Sighting date: 2024-03-29. Submitted by: Dave Thexton. Location: Foulshaw Moss.
House Martin
Sighting date: 2024-03-30. Submitted by: John France. Location: Thacka, Penrith. Single bird over Thacka at 8am