• Ring necked Duck female

    Sighting date: 2024-04-17. Submitted by: Chris Baines. Location: Longtown ponds. 

  • Pied Flycatchers

    Sighting date: 2024-04-16. Submitted by: Paul Turton. Location: Aira Force.  Lots of nesting activity. Several Pied Flycatchers, Bullfinch, Raven, Song Thrush, Willow Warbler and a very brief appearance of a male Redstart.

  • White stork

    Sighting date: 2024-04-16. Submitted by: Dawn Dawson. Location: B5282 heading towards Milnthorpe from Sandside in a flooded field .  I was so shocked to see it  (approx 2.15 pm) I immediately thought white stork, then but how can it be? We were driving by in the car and was unable to stop or take a photo. I’…

  • Common sandpiper

    Sighting date: 2024-04-16. Submitted by: Graham Burr. Location: Siddick pond . 

  • Green sandpiper

    Sighting date: 2024-04-15. Submitted by: Andy Lester. Location: Livingstone Homestead .  Briefly one calling over.   New site record.   Also 3 willow warbler, Swallow,blackcap, Siskin, chiff chaff, 5 tree sparrow, dipper Inc 2 juvs, Sparrowhawk

  • Pied Flycatcher and Eider

    Sighting date: 2024-04-14. Submitted by: Paul Reeves. Location: Silver Meadows and Workington.  Male Pied Flycatcher at Silver Meadows Nature Reserve, Dubwath, Bassenthwaite and 2 Eider (1 male/1 female) just off the jetty, Workington – 1 Gannet flyby also.

  • Singing lesser whitethroat

    Sighting date: 2024-04-14. Submitted by: Mike Douglas. Location: Brick Works Lane.  Singing from blackthorn hedge

  • Singing reed warbler

    Sighting date: 2024-04-13. Submitted by: Mike Douglas. Location: Sea Wood, Ulverston.  Singing from coastal reedbed

  • Purple Sandpipers

    Sighting date: 2024-04-13. Submitted by: Paul Reeves. Location: Workington Pier.  Six Purple Sandpipers on rock armour close to the watch tower, late Saturday afternoon.

  • Little Ringed Plover

    Sighting date: 2024-04-13. Submitted by: Robert Dawson. Location: Close to Thacka Beck.  Pair on small piece of waste ground between 2 large industrial units. Exactly same spot as seen last year.