• Singing Chiffchaff

    Sighting date: 2024-03-15. Submitted by: David Dixon. Location: Talkin Tarn.  One in full song in the area where the southern boundary is near open field on the ‘Red route’ footpath, south of the Tarn itself. Also Meadow Pipits in numbers in the general area over the last two days.

  • starling roost

    Sighting date: 2024-03-14. Submitted by: Andy Lester. Location: Longtown .  At least 4,500 into roost this evening

  • Tree sparrow

    Sighting date: 2024-03-14. Submitted by: Andy Lester. Location: Livingstone Homestead .  Still 6 today on feeders.    Park on main drive and view

  • White fronted goose

    Sighting date: 2024-03-14. Submitted by: Andy Lester. Location: Longtown Gravel Pits.  1 low over West early evening with 11,900 pink footed geese.

  • Whooper Swans

    Sighting date: 2024-03-14. Submitted by: Matthew Cookson. Location: Foulshaw Moss.  38 flying North and up the Lyth Valley

  • Cattle Egret

    Sighting date: 2024-03-11. Submitted by: Ronnie Irving. Location: Arnside Tower Farm .  A singleton on the edge of a pool. Viewed from Far Arnside Road at 1155 am  

  • A group of six Great White Egrets

    Sighting date: 2024-03-11. Submitted by: Ronnie Irving. Location: Black Dyke Flash.  Six birds feeding together on flood, seen from Storth road ends on Black Dyke Road at 1145 am

  • Cattle Egret

    Sighting date: 2024-03-09. Submitted by: Jonathan Lishman. Location: Arnside tower .  1 feeding around cattle just north of Arnside tower farm. Also c.50 Wigeon, 40 Wigeon,  4 Gadwall, pair Shoveler on flooded field. Male Merlin flew through. Great White Egret on nearby Black dyke.

  • 45 Whooper Swan heading West and 8 on the sea

    Sighting date: 2024-03-09. Submitted by: David Shackleton. Location: Humphrey Head. 

  • Whooper Swan – 140 north in single group

    Sighting date: 2024-03-08. Submitted by: David Burns Thexton. Location: Foulshaw Moss.