• Whooper Swan

    Sighting date: 2024-03-21. Submitted by: Gary Gould. Location: Killington Reservoir.  15 Whooper Swans in North West Bay. at 09:35am.

  • Whooper Swan

    Sighting date: 2024-03-21. Submitted by: Gary Gould. Location: Killington Reservoir.  15 Whooper Swans on North West Bay. at 09:35 am

  • Red kite

    Sighting date: 2024-03-21. Submitted by: Richard Gilbert. Location: Barbondale.  Red kite seen flying low in Barbondale, never seen here before. Roughly here: ///prospered.unwraps.tall https://w3w.co/prospered.unwraps.tall

  • Osprey – 1 flying in from high to south and appearing to be looking to land but not seen at nest. Probably a migrant rather than one of regular breeding birds.

    Sighting date: 2024-03-22. Submitted by: Dave Thexton. Location: Foulshaw Moss. 

  • Spoonbill – 1 flying over heading west

    Sighting date: 2024-03-20. Submitted by: Matthew Cookson. Location: Foulshaw Moss. 

  • Little Egret

    Sighting date: 2024-03-20. Submitted by: Barry Jackson. Location: Pardshaw Hall.  The first time I have seen one in the 24 years I have been here.

  • Swallow – 1

    Sighting date: 2024-03-16. Submitted by: Alison Strong. Location: Edenhall, Penrith. 

  • poss Rednecked Grebe

    Sighting date: 2024-03-19. Submitted by: Peter Finn. Location: Whitehaven Golf course.  Possible Rednecked Grebe on pond beside Whitehaven Golf Club house. Spotted it first as I drove past, got my binoculars and viewed it for a few minutes before it spotted me and dived, it didnt surface so must have hid amongst vegitation at the pond side.…

  • Snow Bunting

    Sighting date: 2024-03-19. Submitted by: Keith McVeigh. Location: Workington Pier.  Actually  on the pier

  • Wheatear 2

    Sighting date: 2024-03-19. Submitted by: Derek McAlone. Location: Haig Pit Whitehaven and Parton beach.  A male at Haig Pit Whitehaven and a male on Parton beach