• Fieldfare

    Sighting date: 2024-05-03. Submitted by: Stephen Horsfield. Location: Alston Moor (Nentsberry).  Around a dozen still hanging around on the moor above Nent Hall.

  • Spotted Flycatcher

    Sighting date: 2024-05-03. Submitted by: Spike Webb. Location: Naddle Forest, Haweswater. 

  • Pair of Pied Flycatchers

    Sighting date: 2024-05-02. Submitted by: Sue Hill. Location: Low Bridge End Tea Garden, St Johs-in-the-vale.  Male and female seen regularly visiting nesting box easily visible from the tea garden (open 10:30 to 16;30)

  • Cuckoo

    Sighting date: 2024-04-22. Submitted by: Steve Haigh. Location: Wythop valley .  Calling male on 22nd April.  This is one day earlier than 2023 and 3 days later than 2022.  1st May 2 calling males now resident in Wythop valley

  • Cuckoo calling lots and showing realy well

    Sighting date: 2024-05-01. Submitted by: Graham Burr. Location: Pica to tutehill rd. 

  • Cuckoo arrives

    Sighting date: 2024-04-30. Submitted by: Andy Lester. Location: Livingstone Homestead .  First male for site this year.  Also 38 Linnet, plus redpoll, Siskin, tree sparrow and 3 barn owl in area

  • Swift Sighting

    Sighting date: 2024-04-29. Submitted by: Quentin Cox. Location: Warwick Bridge east of Carlisle.  3 Swift briefly over rooftops at Warwick Bridge.

  • Hobby – 1 adult

    Sighting date: 2024-04-30. Submitted by: Dave Thexton. Location: Foulshaw Moss. 

  • Common sandpiper

    Sighting date: 2024-04-30. Submitted by: Graham Burr. Location: Siddick pond . 

  • Swift

    Sighting date: 2024-04-29. Submitted by: Mike Douglas. Location: Ulverston .  Single bird feeding over the house