• Commencing 15th August 2022

    Records from the archives For week commencing Monday 15th August 2022 15th August The 23rd Red-necked Phalarope found on the Duddon estuary on 13th August was last seen on this day in 1980,  a Night-heron on the River Esk at Netherby in 1958 was the eighth Cumbrian record, a Long-tailed Skua was seen off Walney…

  • Week commencing Monday 8th August 2022

    Records from the archives – On This Day For week commencing Monday 8th August 2022 8th August The first-summer Sabine’s Gull found moribund on Rockcliffe Marsh on the 1st August 1999 was found dead there on this day it was the 17th Cumbrian record. 9th August A Balearic Shearwater seen off Biggar Bank in 2003…

  • Week commencing Monday 1st August 2022

    Records from the archives – On This Day For week commencing Monday 1st August 2022 1st August An Egyptian Goose first seen at Halforth on 27th April in 2006 was last noted on this date, it was the 11th Cumbrian record since 1988, two Balearic Shearwaters were seen off South Walney in 1992 this constituted…

  • Week commencing Monday 25th July 2022

    Records from the archives – On This Day For week commencing Monday 25th July 2022 25th July A Black-necked Grebe was found at Fisher Tarn in 2013, a Honey Buzzard flew west at Southwaite (NY44M) in 2009, three Avocets were seen at Newbiggin (SD26U) in 2015, an adult Yellow-legged Gull was found at Anthorn in…

  • Week commencing Monday 18th July 2022

    Records from the archives – On This Day For week commencing Monday 18th July 2022 18th July A Sooty Shearwater passed Biggar Bank in 1979, it was the sixth Cumbrian record and the tenth individual bird, an adult Caspian Tern that remained at Siddick Pond until 20th July in 1999 was the third Cumbrian record,…

  • Week commencing Monday 11th July 2022

    Records from the archives – On This Day For week commencing Monday 11th July 2022 11th July A good day for White-winged Black Terns with an adult located at Burgh-by-Sands (NY35E) staying until 13th July in 1987, this was the second Cumbrian record, and a second-summer bird at Port Carlisle until 22nd July in 2001…

  • Week commencing Monday 4th July 2022

    Records from the archives – On This Day For week commencing Monday 4th July 2022 4th July Two adult Roseate Terns were found at Hodbarrow in 2009 this constituted the fifth Cumbrian record this century and all were recorded at Hodbarrow and an Alpine Swift was shot at Low Mill House in Egremont in 1842…

  • Week commencing Monday 27th June 2022

    Records from the archives – On This Day For week commencing Monday 27th June 2022 27th June A Great White Egret found at Bassenthwaite Lake remained until 1st July in 2006 it was the fourth Cumbrian record, a Roller was located on the airfield at North Walney in 1992 was the eighth and most recent…

  • Week commencing Monday 20th June 2022

    Records from the archives – On This Day For week commencing Monday 20th June 2022 20th June A Corncrake found near Carlisle airport (NY46) remained until 7th July in 1982, an adult Whiskered Tern was found at Siddick Pond in 2007 it was the fourth Cumbrian record, a Hoopoe was seen near Ulpha (SD48) in…

  • Week commencing Monday 13th June 2022

    Records from the archives – On This Day For week commencing Monday 13th June 2022 13th June A Long-tailed Skua was seen off  South Walney in 1985 and a Corncrake remained on territory near Isel Bridge (NY13) until 14th July in 1987. 14th June A Corncrake at Moresby (NX92) from 1st June remained until this…