Commencing 15th August 2022

Records from the archives

For week commencing Monday 15th August 2022

15th August

The 23rd Red-necked Phalarope found on the Duddon estuary on 13th August was last seen on this day in 1980,  a Night-heron on the River Esk at Netherby in 1958 was the eighth Cumbrian record, a Long-tailed Skua was seen off Walney Island in 2003, a dead Wryneck found in Smardale in 2004, Hobbies  were well represented on this day with an adult at Killington reservoir in 1993, on Foulshaw Moss in 2007, on Glasson Moss in 2009 and at Lakeside, Windermere (NY38T) in 2016 and a Ring-necked Parakeet was found at Vickerstown, Walney in 2015.

16th August

A Balearic Shearwater seen offshore from Biggar Bank, Walney in 2004 this was the ninth Cumbrian record and the tenth individual bird, a Black-necked Grebe at Hodbarrow, remained until the next day in 2008 a Honey-buzzard flew over Foulshaw Moss in 2014, Hobbies were seen at Sandybottoms, Kendal in 2002, Leasgill (SD48X) in 2012, and Thacka Beck, Penrith in 2015 and a male Golden Oriole was located at Borrowdale, Keswick in 1966.

17th August

Three adult Honey Buzzards frequented an undisclosed breeding site in 2016, an adult Black-winged Pratincole was found at Grune Point it lingered until 3rd September in 2000, it was the second Cumbrian record, a juvenile Woodchat Shrike turned up on Foulney Island in 1997 this was the fifth Cumbrian record and a Barred Warbler at South Walney caught and ringed in 1980 was the sixth Cumbrian record.

18th August

Two Bitterns were seen in the reeds at Whinfell Tarn in 1974, a Temminck’s Stint found at Anthorn in 1988 was the 12th Cumbrian record and the 14th individual bird, a Hobby was seen at Foulshaw Moss in 2016, a Melodious Warbler at South Walney in 1970 was the fifth Cumbria record and another Melodious Warbler again at South Walney but in 1983 was the tenth Cumbrian record and the 11th individual bird and an Icterine Warbler found at South Walney in 1990 was the fifth Cumbrian record.

19th August

Two Sooty Shearwaters seen off South Walney in 1989 constituted the 24th Cumbrian record they were the 40th & 41st individual birds, an adult Pacific Golden Plover was found at Anthorn it stayed until 24th August in 2008 and it was the sixth Cumbrian record and the fifth individual bird, a Spoonbill on the Kent estuary from 6th August in 1976 was last seen on this day it was the 13th Cumbrian record, a Collared/Black-winged Pratincole on the Leven estuary in 1973 was the second Cumbrian record, adult Yellow-legged Gulls were foundat Sandside in 1999 and loafing on the sands at the Newbiggin viaduct (SD09X) in 2007, a Melodious Warbler at South Walney in 2012 was the 17th Cumbrian record and the 18th individual bird and was the most recent record and an Icterine Warbler at South Walney in 1983 was the second Cumbrian record.

20th August

A Cory’s Shearwater off South Walney in 1985 was seventh Cumbrian record and the ninth individual bird, a Lesser Yellowlegs near Barrow-in-Furness in 1971 (K. Brown) was the first and remains the only Cumbrian record, and Hobbies  were seen at Drumburgh and Warwick Bridge in 2013.

21st August

A Balearic Shearwater off Walney Island in 2005 was the tenth Cumbrian record and the 11th individual bird, two Black-necked Grebes were seen on Talkin Tarn in 2009, an adult Sabine’s Gull was offshore at Selker in 1988 it was the eighth Cumbrian record, a Hobby was seen at Bowston (SD59D) in 2012 and a first-winter Barred Warbler found at Siddick Pond was the fourth Cumbrian record.

Ronnie Irving

Secretary CBC Records Panel

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