Who’s who

The table below lists all members of the Cumbria Bird Club Council plus their specific role if they have one. Those marked with an asterisk (*) are not currently Council members but perform important jobs for the Club.

Chair:Chris Hind, 2 Old School House, Hallbankgate, Brampton CA8 2NW. Tel: 07710 272691 cbcchair@cumbriabirdclub.org.uk
Vice-chairs:Peter Howard, Jake Manson, Mike Mills
Secretary:Sue King, The Coach House, Hampsfell Road, Grange over Sands, Cumbria, LA11 6BG. Tel: 07879 815 276
Treasurer:Andrew Poole
Field Trips Organiser:Mike and Lyn Mills. Tel: 01946 590616 meetings@cumbriabirdclub.org.uk
Talks Organiser:Mike and Lyn Mills. Tel: 01946 590616 meetings@cumbriabirdclub.org.uk
Ordinary Council Members:Stephen Dunstan, Phill Evans, Connor Fraser and Chris Mason
Web site:Chris Cant.  Tel: 01931 713240   chris@cumbriabirdclub.org.uk
County Recorder:Chris Hind. Tel: 07710 272691 countyrecorder@cumbriabirdclub.org.uk
Regional Recorders:* Carlisle and Eden – Pete Howard. Tel: 016977 42206 carlisleandedenrecorder@cumbriabirdclub.org.uk
* Allerdale & Copeland – Nick Franklin*.  Tel: 01228 810413 nickbirder66@gmail.com
* Barrow & South Lakeland – Mike Douglas. Tel: 07967 935144 thedouglasfamily21@yahoo.com
eBird Data Manager:Connor Fraser
BirdTrack Data Manager:Rob Pickett*
C.B.C. Bird News Editor:Adam Moan. Tel: 07552148454 newsletter@cumbriabirdclub.org.uk
B.T.O. Representative:Cumbria: Colin Gay*. Tel: 01229 773820 colinathodbarrow@btinternet.com