AGM 2023 and Conrad Dickinson


3 November 2023    
19:30 – 21:30


George Hotel, Penrith
Devonshire Street, Penrith, CA11 7SU

The AGM will be Friday 3rd November at The George Hotel, Penrith.

  • The club currently has vacancies for the office of Chairperson and Newsletter Editor.
  • There are also opportunities for two new Council members to be elected.
  • If you would like to stand or to nominate someone else for any of these posts, please contact the Secretary not later than 7 days before the AGM (i.e. by Friday 27th October).

Following the AGM there will be a talk by Conrad Dickinson. Conrad is the President of Northumberland Wildlife Trust, a stalwart volunteer at RSPB Geltsdale and an award-winning photographer. Since retiring as a Polar Expedition Guide he has returned to his first love of birds and wildlife. His talk will range widely, with a focus on birds of the UK and the Arctic. We are very much looking forward to hearing him speak and hope you will be able to join us.