Birds observed from our cottage and within 1 Mile of it during our stay

Sighting date: 2023-08-20. 

Submitted by: Joe Makepeace. 

Location: Maulds Meaburn. 

Birds and plants observed from our cottage (Plants in the garden / on wall) :-

Maulds Meaburn

Jackdaw 23

House Martin 25

Linnet 8

Herring Gull 1

Swallow 28

Siskin 3

Collared Dove 1

Rook 32

Pied Wagtail 2

Buzzard 1

Raven 7

Crow 3

Grey Wagtail 2

Twite 11

Grey Heron

Wren 2

Great Spotted Woodpecker

Great Tit 3

Blue Tit 5

Goosander – F / Juv in flight

Tree Sparrow – 7

Chaffinch – 24

Brambling – 2

Blackbird – 8

Song Thrush – 2

Chiff chaff – 1

Willow Warbler – 2 Calling

Feral Pigeon – 7

Wood Pigeon – 30+

Robin – 4

Cormorant – 2 Over

Greenfinch – 4

Blackcap 1 (Female)


Red Slug


Pixie Cup Lichen

Biting Stonecrop

Cypress Leaves Plait Moss

Grey Cushioned Grimmia

House Leek (Garden plant?)

Green Alkanet

Black Headed Gull 4

Mallard – 2 in flight

Nuthatch – 2

Spotted Flycatcher – Appleby adjacent to the river by Cricket Club

House Sparrow – 6

Dunnock – 1

Stock Dove – 9 In stubble field

Pheasant – 1m

Speckled Wood – 3

Large White – 15

Field Maple

Lords and Ladies

Kestrel 2

Lapwing 6

Starling – 30

Red Squirrel 🐿️ (Appleby Castle)

Long-tailed Tit 9

Hedge Woundwort

Garden Lady’s Mantle

Herb Robert

Knopper Oak Gall Wasp

Red Admiral

Tawny Owl – 2 Calling separate locations

Marsh Tit (5)

Goldfinch – 11

Oystercatcher – 2 In flight

Curlew – 1