Week Commencing Monday 27th May 2024

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 27th May 2024

27th May

Spoonbills were seen at South Walney remaining until 29th May in 1993 and at Bowness-on-Solway in 2002, these were the 22nd and 26th Cumbrian records,  a 3CY male Pallid Harrier in the Cumbrian part of the Yorkshire Dales National Park from 27th April in 2017 was last seen on this day, it was the first Cumbrian record, three male Corncrakes were heard calling on a southern moss in 1979, a Spotted Crake was seen at Beckfoot in 1987 it was the eighth Cumbrian record since 1981, a first-summer Laughing Gull at Halforth was the first Cumbrian Record and a Turtle Dove was seen at South Walney in 1991.

28th May

A drake Ring-necked Duck was at Mockerkin Tarn in 1999 it was the 25th Cumbrian record, a first-summer Night-heron was located at Watercrook, Kendal in 2004 it was the 18th Cumbrian record, a Honey-buzzard was seen at South Walney in 1992, a female Black-winged Stilt found at Hodbarrow in 2012 remains the only Cumbrian record, a Roseate Tern was seen on Foulney in 1993, a Pectoral Sandpiper was found on Wedholme Flow in 2023, it was the 39th Cumbrian record, a Hoopoe at Scales Hall, Calthwaite (NY44F) in 2017 was the 17th Cumbrian record this century and a singing male Red-spotted Bluethroat at South Walney in 2008 was the eighth Cumbrian record and the sixth example of this particular race.

29th May

A White Stork was seen at Shap in 1978 it was the eighth Cumbrian record, a Black Kite at Talkin Tarn in 2005 was the second Cumbrian Record, a record breaking 115-119 Long-tailed Skuas were seen at Bowness-on-Solway in 2011 including a flock of c.100, a Turtle Dove was located at Campfield Marsh in 1991, a Bee-eater at Wythemoor Sough (NY02H) in 2012 was the eighth Cumbrian record, a male Red-backed Shrike was seen at North Plain Farm in 2003 it was the third Cumbrian record this century, a male Golden Oriole was found at Holker Park, Cartmel in 1983 it was the 22nd Cumbrian record and a singing male Common Rosefinch was seen at Sedbergh in 2015 it was the seventh Cumbrian record.

30th May

An Egyptian Goose at High Foulshaw in 2002 was the fifth Cumbrian record, a Bittern was found at Whinfell Tarn in 1974, a Spotted Crake at Portinscale until 30th June in 1986 was the sixth Cumbrian record since 1981, a Roseate Tern was seenover the Piel Bar, Walney in 2012 it was the fifth Cumbrian record this century, a first-summer Long-tailed Skua was seen off Bowness-on-Solway in 2002, a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker was seen in Yewbarrow Wood (SD47E) Grange-over-Sands in 2009 it was the 12th Cumbrian record this century and a Melodious Warbler at South Walney was the third Cumbrian and South Walney record at the time, in 1967.

31st May

An adult Long-tailed Skua was seen at South Walney in 1993, a Turtle Dove was located at Cardurnock in 1995, it was the 24th Cumbrian record of the 90’s, four Ring-necked Parakeets turned up in Keswick in 1997, a singing male Golden Oriole was a nice find at Culgaith, Penrith (NY62E) in 2010 it was the second Cumbrian record this century, an adult Rose-coloured Starling remained at Tebay until 2nd June in 2018 was the 11th Cumbrian record this century and a Cumbrian first in the form of a male Common Rosefinch was located at Allersteads near Lanercost in 1984, it remained until the 3rd June.

1st June

A first-summer Spoonbill seen flying south at Killington Reservoir in 1996 was later found dead below electricity wires on 6th June, two Spoonbills remained at Campfield Marsh until 3rd June in 1997, an immature Night-heron was found at Watercrook, Kendal staying until 20th July in 1987, it was the 13th Cumbrian record, a Corncrake remained at Moresby (NX92) until 14th June in 1976,  a Roseate Tern was located at Rockcliffe Marsh in 1997, a Turtle Dove was at North Walney in 1994 it was the 22nd Cumbrian record of the 90’s and an adult female Serin in the observatory garden at South Walney in 2017 was the sixth Cumbrian record.

2nd June

A Red-crested Pochard at Hodbarrow in 2002 was considered to be an escape, a sub-ad Crane remained at Campfield Marsh until 14th July in 2003 was presumed to be the returning bird from 2002, it was approximately the 19th Cumbrian record, Turtle Doves were recorded at Arnside in 1991 and at Ings in 2023, Honey-buzzards were seen over Kentrigg, Kendal and Geltsdale in 2020 , a Wryneck frequented Muncaster Castle in 1976 and another Wryneck was found at Ickenthwaite (SD38J) in 1982, a Woodchat Shrike remained on North Walney until 7th June in 1984 it was the second Cumbrian record after a gap of 102 years and an adult male Collared Flycatcher that was found dead at Eskmeals in 1964 remains the only Cumbrian record.

Ronnie Irving

Ex-Secretary CBC Records Panel (2015- 2024)

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