Week Commencing Monday 19th February 2024

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 19th February 2024

19th February

A drake Green-winged Teal was found at Port Carlisle in 2023  it remained overnight, it was approximately the 33rd Cumbrian record, a Black-throated Diver was seen off Nethertown in 2014, a Bittern was seen at Mere Tarn in 2014, a first-winter Iceland Gull was found at Workington harbour in 1997, a Great Grey Shrike was found at High Birk in the Grizedale Forest it remained until 24th February 2004 it was the ninth Cumbrian record since 1994, a female Lesser Spotted Woodpecker was found at Haverthwaite in 2002 and three Shore Larks first seen at South Walney on 8th January 1977 were last seen on this day.

20th February

A drake Green-winged Teal was found on Ravenstown Pond (SD37M) in 2014 it was the 27th Cumbrian record and was probably the same drake that was found near Lindal-in-Furness on 1st January 2014, the first-winter drake Lesser Scaup first found on Talkin Tarn on 18th January 2003 was last seen on this day, a Bittern was seen on Bassenthwaite Marsh in 1985.

21st February

An adult Snow Goose was seen on Campfield Marsh in 2023, there was no reason to consider it a wild bird, Great Grey Shrikes were found at Long Moss (NY55) in 1998 and at Dalton Crags (SD57N) in 2009 these were the second and 17th Cumbrian records since 1994.

22nd February

A Taiga Bean Goose was found in a mixed flock of grey geese at Langwathby in 1995 it was the second Cumbrian record since 1993, a drake American Wigeon was seen in Haverigg harbour from Hodbarrow sea-wall it remained until 25th February 2014, it was the 11th Cumbrian record and an Avocet found on the River Bela in 1991 was still present the next day.

23rd February

A Tundra Bean Goose was found at Whitrigg in 2023, it was the fourth Cumbrian record since 2013, an Egyptian Goose frequented the Haverbrack Pond (SD48V) area until 1st April 2009 it was the 17th Cumbrian record and a Water Pipit was seen on Walney Island in 2012.

24th February

A drake Green-winged Teal frequented the Ravenglass area remaining until 13th March 2002, it was the sixth Cumbrian record, a Black-throated Diver was seen off Sellafield in 2012, four Black-necked Grebes were seen on Bassenthwaite Lake in 2002 and an adult Iceland Gull was seen on Parton beach in 1998 was the 53rd Cumbrian record.

25th February

A first-winter Snow Goose of unknown origin was located in a Pink-footed Goose flock at Calvo in 2023, it remained overnight it was only the fifth possible Cumbrian record of a wild bird this century and a Red Kite was seen at Woodland Hall (SD2499) in 2006 pre-dating the Grizedale releases.

Ronnie Irving

Ex-Secretary CBC Records Panel (2015- 2024)Copyright © 2024