Week Commencing Monday 5th February 2024

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 5th February 2024

5th February

The drake American Wigeon found on Roosecote on 28th January was last seen on this day in 2006 it was the ninth Cumbrian record, an adult Yellow-legged Gull seen at Rampside in 1995 was only the second Cumbrian record, the Great Grey Shrike found on Helsington Barrows on 20th November 2004 was last seen on this day in 2005 it was the sixth Cumbrian record this century.

6th February

A drake Green-winged Teal found in 2005 remained in the south-west corner of Bassenthwaite Lake (NY22I) until 9th March it was the 13th Cumbrian record, a Red Kite was seen at Waverbridge Hill (NY24) in 2002 pre-dating the Grizedale releases it was the second Cumbrian record this century, an adult Iceland Gull seen at Borwick Rails in 1986 was the 20th Cumbrian record and a Great Grey Shrike was found at Scandal Beck, Kirkby Stephen (NY71) in 1999 it was the fifth Cumbrian record since 1997.

7th February

Increasingly rare and not an annual visitor the Black-necked Grebe first found at Lindale-in-Furness (SD27M) on 24th January 2018 was last seen on this day.

8th February

An adult Tundra Bean Goose found with the Pink-footed Geese flock at Whitrigg in 2007 was the seventh Cumbrian record since 1992, the drake Green-winged Teal which was first seen at Hodbarrow on 1st November 2012 was last seen on this day in 2013 it was approximately the 23rd Cumbrian record, a first-winter Iceland Gull found on Walney in 2003 was approximately the 58th Cumbrian record and the regular adult Yellow-legged Gull was seen in Whitehaven harbour in 2013.

9th February

An immature White-tailed Eagle was seen at Port Carlisle in 2009 the last record prior to that was one over Coniston in 1934, a Shore Lark at South Walney in 1963 it was still present the next day, it was the tenth Cumbrian record.

10th February

A drake Ruddy Duck remained on Ormsgill reservoir until 18th March 2011, a Black-necked Grebe was seen at Roosecote Sands in 2006 , Rough-legged Buzzards were seen in Kentmere in 1979 and at Sunbiggin Tarn in 1980, a  first- winter Iceland Gull seen at Halforth remained until the 12th February 1998  it was the 48th Cumbrian record.

11th February

An adult Ring-necked Duck seen on Sunbiggin Tarn until 23rd March 2006 was the 28th Cumbrian record, a Black-necked Grebe was seen at Hawes Bed, Walney in 2006, a Great White Egret frequented the Humphrey Head – Kents Bank area in 2012 and a Hooded Crow that has taken up residency in the area was seen at St Bees in 2023.

Ronnie Irving

Ex-Secretary CBC Records Panel (2015 – 2024)

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