Week Commencing Monday 29th January 2024

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 29th January 2024

29th January

A Black-throated Diver was seen off Parton in 2014 and a first-winter Iceland Gull was found on South Walney in 1994, a Little Auk was seen off Workington on this day and the next!

30th January

A wing-tagged Red Kite from the Scottish re-introduction scheme was seen at Woodland (SD28) in 1996, it remained in the area until March 1996 and a fifth Water Pipit joined the four already on Walney Island in 2010.

31st January

A Red-breasted Goose found in January 2012 and now in its third calendar year was seen on this day in 2015 on  Whitrigglees Moss (NY25P) it was the 12th Cumbrian record, a female Smew frequented Longtown Ponds in 2019 until 31st March, a Rough-legged Buzzard was seen on Bassenthwaite Marsh in 1989 it was the 14th Cumbrian record since 1974, an adult Ring-billed Gull was found at South Walney in 1986 it was the third Cumbrian record, a second-winter Iceland Gull was found at Harrington harbour in 1998 was approximately the 50th Cumbrian record, the Shore Lark found at Grune Point in December 1992 was last seen on this day in 1993 it was the 18th Cumbrian record and the Rose-coloured Starling first found at New Hutton in November 2009 relocated to a Kendal garden on this day in 2010 and remained until 1st March 2010 it was the eighth Cumbrian record since 1991.

1st February

A Spotted Crake found at Dubbs Moss in 1986 was the fifth Cumbrian record since 1981, a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker seen at Talkin Tarn in 2006 was the ninth Cumbrian record this century and the Richard’s Pipit first seen at South Walney on 20th December 1980 was last seen on this day in 1981 it was the eighth Cumbrian record.

2nd February

Three Bitterns were present at Siddick Pond in 2012 and one first found at Park End Moss, Brigsteer on 16th September 2015 was subsequently seen on this day in 2016 up to the 25th February, a Firecrest found at Millwood (SD27B) in January was last noted on this date in 2018.

3rd February

A Bittern was seen this day and the next at Siddick Pond in 2007, a Glossy Ibis was seen at Flookburgh in 2012, it was probably the Arnside bird found in December 2011 and was the seventh Cumbrian record, three Ring-necked Parakeets were seen at Grange-over-Sands in 2003, the Shore Lark first found at Biggar Bank on 30th December 2001 was last seen on this date in 2002 it was the 21st Cumbrian record and the 27th individual bird.

4th February

Iceland Gulls were represented with a second calendar year seen inland at Keswick in 1985 and a second-summer/third-winter which was found on Cavendish Dock in 2007, these were the 16th and 60th Cumbrian records, a male Ring-necked Parakeet was seen at Threlkeld in 1991.

Ronnie Irving

Secretary CBC Records Panel

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