Week Commencing Monday 25th December 2023

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 25th December 2023

25th December

A Bittern found on Urswick Tarn remained until 31st December 2009, a juvenile Night-heron stayed overnight at Little Salkeld in 1995 it was the 16th Cumbrian record, a Great Grey Shrike was seen on Thwaites Fell (SD18U) in 2010 it was the 23rd Cumbrian record since 1994.

26th December

A Great Snipe was shot near Brampton in 1953 it was the 13th Cumbrian record.

27th December

A drake Red-crested Pochard on Urswick Tarn (SD27) in 1991 was the eighth Cumbrian record and the 11th individual bird, a drake Ring-necked Duck first found on the River Kent in Kendal on 25th November 1992 toured the area visiting various southern waters up to 1996, it was seen on this day in 1995 again on the River Kent in Kendal and it was the 21st Cumbrian record and the third individual bird, two female Ring-necked Ducks were found on Longtown Ponds in 2021 remaining until 5th January 2022 these birds constituted the 35th Cumbrian records involving the 11th and 12th individual birds a Great White Egret at Braystones (NY0006) in 2010 was the 15th Cumbrian record, an adult Red Kite was found in the Lorton valley (NY12) in 1990 and again on 3rd January 1991 it was the 14th Cumbrian record since 1969.

28th December

Two Bean Geese were found on Newton Marsh in 2002, a Crane seen at Kirkbride in 2003 was thought to be the same bird seen at Campfield Marsh, it was also seen at Silloth on 31st December 2003 and a first-winter Glaucous Gull was seen on the Scarth Pool, Walney in 2017.

29th December

Up to four Water Pipits were to be found on their favoured fields at Biggar, Walney from 25th November 2010 until this date in 2010.

30th December

The Walney Black Brant first found as a juvenile in December 2012 and wintering each winter since then returned to Snab Point, Walney on 10th November 2018, it was last seen on this date in 2018, a blue morph adult Snow Goose was found at Abbeytown in 2011, it was only the second bird of this century that was thought to be wild, a Rough-legged Buzzard was found at Smardale Gill (NY70) in 1979 it was the fifth Cumbrian record of the 70’s, a first-winter Iceland Gull was found in Workington Harbour in 1990 it was the 26th Cumbrian record, a Shore Lark was found at Biggar Bank, Walney in 2001, it remained until 3rd February 2002 it was the 21st Cumbrian record.

31st December

A White Stork seen on a school playing field at St Bees in 2009 was the 26th Cumbrian record, a Red Kite at Culgaith in 1980 was the fifth Cumbrian record since 1969 and long pre-dated the Grizedale releases, a Crane was at Silloth in 2003 it was the 21st Cumbrian record.

Ronnie Irving

Secretary CBC Records Panel

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