Week Commencing Monday 20th November 2023

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 20th November 2023

20th November

Drake Green-winged Teals were found at Siddick Pond and at Hodbarrow in 2011 these were the 22nd and 23rd Cumbrian records and the 17th and 18th individual birds, a Bittern returned to Siddick Pond in 2011 for its seventh consecutive winter there, Great Grey Shrikes were seen intermittently on Helsington Barrows until 31st December 2004 and on Dalton Crags (SD57N) until 7th December 2014.

21st November

A Tundra Bean Goose was with Greylags at Mockerkin Tarn in 2019, the regular drake Green-winged Teal returned to Newbiggin viaduct (SD09X) until 18th December 2004  it was the tenth Cumbrian record and the third individual bird, an adult Yellow-legged Gull was found at Halforth in 1997 it was the fourth Cumbrian record, a Wryneck was found at Boot (NY10Q) in 1982 it was still there the next day, a first-winter Barred Warbler was photographed at Sandscale Haws in 2018 it was the 29th Cumbrian record, a first-winter Rose-coloured Starling was found at New Hutton (SD59K) in 2009 it remained here until 8th January 2010 it was the seventh Cumbrian record since 1991.

22nd November

A Black-necked Grebe found at Hodbarrow in 1999 remained until the next day it was the 12th Cumbrian record since 1997 and a Cetti’s Warbler was found at Siddick pond in 2021 it remained until 25th November and was the 20th Cumbrian record.

23rd November

A Black-throated Diver was seen off Hodbarrow in 2013, a Long-toed Stint was found in a restricted area of Rockcliffe Marsh in 2021 it remained overnight and was the first Cumbrian record, two Cattle Egrets settled in with the stock at Whasset (SD59A) and remained until 29th November 2008 these were the eighth Cumbrian record and the seventh and eighth individual birds and a Water Pipit found on the marshes at Bassenthwaite Lake in 1989 was the 15th Cumbrian record.

24th November

The Black Brant from April 2013 returned to Rampside as an adult to spend its second winter in the area, a drake Ring-necked Duck was found on Tarnhouse Tarn (NY7503) in 2006 it was thought to be the same bird as that seen on Ullswater and it was the 30th Cumbrian record, a Great Grey Shrike was at Knipe Fold, Ambleside (SD3499) in 2014 it was the 30th Cumbrian record since 1997.

25th November

A flock of 76 Tundra Bean Geese was located at Black Dyke, Silloth in 2011 they were part of an exceptional national influx of this species and they remained in the area until 28th November, two Egyptian Geese were seen at Foulshaw Marsh in 2018 these constituted the 20th Cumbrian record and the 22nd and 23rd individual birds, a drake Ring-necked Duck was on the River Kent in Kendal in 1992 it was the seventh Cumbrian record, an adult Iceland Gull was seen off Biggar Bank in 2007 it was the 63rd Cumbrian record, a Firecrest frequented the central marsh at South Walney in 2006, a Water Pipit seen at Sellafield in 1987 was the 14th Cumbrian record and four Water Pipits were present on Walney Island in 2010 c. the 25th Cumbrian record.

26th November

A Great White Egret frequented the Ravenglass estuary in 2016, a Rough-legged Buzzard was seen near Dalston (NY35) in 1988 it was the 13th Cumbrian record since 1974, a Richard’s Pipit was found in 2005 at Plumpton Bight (SD37E) it was still there the following day and was the 23rd Cumbrian record, a Water Pipit was seen at Rampside in 2010 and a male Lapland Bunting found at Dalston in 1988 was the 21st Cumbrian record and the 21st individual bird.

Ronnie Irving

Secretary CBC Records Panel

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