Week Commencing Monday 13th November 2023

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 13th November 2023

13th November

Spoonbill was seen flying high over Ambleside in 2022, a Bittern was seen at Goldmire, Barrow-in-Furness remaining until  26th November in 1989, an adult Cattle Egret was seen in fields at Little Urswick (SD27R) remaining until 27th November 2008 it was the seventh Cumbrian record and the sixth individual bird, a first-winter Long-billed Dowitcher found at Port Carlisle in 2009 remained until 4th January 2010 it was the sixth Cumbrian record and the seventh individual bird, Grey Phalaropes were located at Biggar Bank,  remaining until 19th November 2010 and again at Biggar Bank, Walney in 2020 these were the 36th and 40th Cumbrian records and the 38th  and 42nd individual birds since 1974, a Great Grey Shrike was found near Paddaburn (NY68N), Spadeadam Forest in 2010, a male Firecrest was found at Westfield Point in 2007 and a female/immature Lapland Bunting seen on Farleton Knott in 2021 was the 46th Cumbrian record.

14th November

A Black-throated Diver was seen off Nethertown in 2014, it was also seen on  23rd and 26th November that year, a minimum of three Bitterns were counted wintering at Siddick Pond in 2013 and a Bittern at Sunbiggin Tarn in 2019 was a pleasant surprise for the observer, the first Cumbrian Cetti’s Warbler was found at South Walney in 2005, it remained until the 28th November, a Firecrest was seen at Cavendish Dock, Barrow in 2008, a Lapland Bunting was at South Walney in 2014 it was the 43rd Cumbrian record and the 46th individual bird.

15th November

A Red Kite seen over Rose Hill (NY45I) in 2009 was a nice record, pre-dating the Grizedale releases, a Rough-legged Buzzard over Armathwaite (NY54) in 1986 was the 11th Cumbrian record since 1974, a Grey Phalarope was found on flooded fields at Biggar Bank, Walney in 2009 it was the 34th Cumbrian record and the 37th individual bird since 1974, an immature Red-breasted Flycatcher at Dalston in 1986 was the eighth Cumbrian record and the 10th individual bird, a Richard’s Pipit was found on Walney it remained until 17th November 2003 and it was the 22nd Cumbrian record and at least four Water Pipits were present at Biggar, Walney in 2009.

16th November

An adult Red-breasted Goose was seen between Whitrigg and Cardurnock staying until 2nd December in 2012 it was the 11th Cumbrian record and probably only the fifth individual bird, a Bittern returned to Siddick remaining until at least 20th November in 2005, a Rough-legged Buzzard at Bampton (NY51) in 1988 was the 12th Cumbrian record since 1974, a late Corncrake was found on Walney Island in 2005, a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker was located at Berrier (NY42E) in 2007, a 2CY male Desert Wheatear was located at Tarn Bay, Eskmeals it remained until 19th November in 2015 it was the second Cumbrian record and a Lapland Bunting was on Walney in 2005 was the 35th Cumbrian record and the 38th individual bird.

17th November

Four Tundra Bean Geese were seen at Burneside (SD59C) in 2011 heralding the start of the first influx for some years, a Black-throated Diver was seen offshore at  Walney Island in 2012, a Bittern returned to winter at Siddick Pond in 1989, a Great White Egret was seen near the Lancashire border in 2007 at Hale Moss (SD57D) it was the fifth Cumbrian record and a Little Auk was found dead by the roadside at Shap in 2012 and an adult male Black Redstart was seen on the beach at Silecroft in 2021.

18th November

A Red-crested Pochard duck was found on a lagoon at South Walney NR in 2018 it was the 20th Cumbrian record, a juvenile Black-throated Diver was well watched at Bassenthwaite Lake until 23rd November in 2011, Great White Egrets were represented with one that remained at Bassenthwaite Lake until 24th November in 2011 and another returnee to Kents Bank in 2012, these were  the 19th and 21st Cumbrian records,  a Water Pipit returned to winter in its favoured fields at Biggar, Walney in 2016, a Lapland Bunting was located at South Walney in 1991 it was the 28th Cumbrian record and the 33rd individual bird.

19th November

A drake Green-winged Teal was seen at North Plain Farm until 12th December 2002 it was the seventh Cumbrian record, , a Red-necked Grebe was seen on Coniston Water in 2019, a Little Auk was picked up on a football pitch in Flimby in 2003, it flew off strongly when released on the beach nearby, a Cetti’s Warbler remained at Creephaw Marsh Walney until 29th November 2020 it was the 12th Cumbrian record, a Lapland Bunting at Kents Bank (SD37X) in 2010 was still present the next day it was part of the 40th Cumbrian record.

Ronnie Irving

Secretary CBC Records Panel

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