Week Commencing Monday 16th October 2023

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 16th October 2023

16th October

A single Yellow-browed Warbler was found at Whitrigg (NY25I) in 2010 with two at South Walney in 2014  and one at Vickerstown Park, Walney in 2015, the 31st, 42nd and 48th Cumbrian records and the 33rd , 47th and 54th individual birds respectively, a Red-breasted Flycatcher at South Walney in 1986 was the seventh Cumbrian record and the 9th individual bird.

17th October

A Red-crested Pochard duck was at Whinfell Tarn in 2014 it was considered to be a wild bird and was the 19th Cumbrian record and the 21st individual bird, a Bittern returned to spend the winter at Siddick Pond in 2013, a Cattle Egret at Brampton until 18th in 2008 was the fifth Cumbrian record, the Common Crane that resided in the Campfield area from April to September in 2002 and June to September 2003 was seen again at Campfield on this day in 2003,  a Grey Phalarope that remained on Killington reservoir until 20th October in 1983 was the sixth Cumbrian record since 1974, a juvenile Sabine’s Gull at Bowness-on-Solway in 2011 was the 31st Cumbrian record and the 27th individual bird, an immature Long-tailed Skua inland at Killington reservoir in 1991 was an unusual find, it was the 9th Cumbrian record since 1976 and the 10th individual bird, a female / immature Golden Oriole at Grune Point in 1987 was the 28th Cumbrian record and the 28th individual bird, single Yellow-browed Warblers were found at Grune Point in 1981 and at Eskmeals in 1999 these are the fifth and 19th Cumbrian records and the fifth and 21st individual birds, a Firecrest at South Walney in 2016 and a Water Pipit at Tarnhouse Rigg, Geltdsale in 1987 was the 13th Cumbrian record.

18th October

A Spoonbill remained on Rockcliffe Marsh until 21st October in 1989, it was the 18th Cumbrian record and the 27th individual bird and a juvenile was seenon Tummerhill Marsh, Walney in 2008 it was the 45th Cumbrian record and the 58th individual bird,  it was a good day for Grey Phalaropes with one found on the upper Kent Estuary in 1984 remaining until 21st October, one on Walney Island in 1987 and a juvenile at Bowness-on-Solway remaining until 21st October in 1989, these were the 7th, 10th and 14th Cumbrian records since 1974, a Hobby was seen at North Walney in 1985, a Great Grey Shrike was in Mardale, Riggindale (NY41K) in 2010, Yellow-browed Warblers were found at South Walney with two in 1985 and one at Siddick Pond in 1990, these were the seventh and tenth Cumbrian records and the seventh, eighth and eleventh individuals, a Richard’s Pipit at South Walney in 1990 (WBO) was the 16th Cumbrian record, a Tawny Pipit at South Walney in 1980 was the first Cumbrian record, male Lapland Buntings were found at Silecroft in 1969 and at South Walney in 1989 remaining until 21st October these were the seventh and 21st Cumbrian records and the seventh and 22nd individual birds.

19th October

A single duck Ring-necked Duck returned to Longtown Ponds on this date in 2022 remaining until 6th November 2022, it was approximately the 38th Cumbrian record, a Spoonbill on the Esk estuary at Ravenglass in 2008 was probably the same bird as one at Walney on 18th October, it was the 46th Cumbrian record and the 45th individual bird, two Bitterns had returned to winter at Siddick Pond in 2015, a Great White Egret was on floodwater at Carr Bank (SD47U) in 2009, a Red Kite was seen at Garrigill (NY74K) in 2007 pre-dating the Grizedale releases, single  Yellow-browed Warblers were found at Siddick Pond in 1988 and at Waverton in 2015 remaining until 21st October these were the ninth and 50th Cumbrian records and the tenth  and the 56th  individual birds.

20th October

A drake Red-crested Pochard on Cavendish Dock in 1970 was the third Cumbrian record since 1937, a Bittern remained at Siddick Pond until 7th November in 1988, a juvenile Night-heron at Dalston  until 21st October in 1990 was the 15th Cumbrian record, Cattle Egrets favoured this day with one at Crosby-on-Eden in 2008 and as many as three which were recorded in the Arnside area in 2017 remaining until 1st January 2018  these constituted the sixth and ninth Cumbrian records and the fifth and ninth to eleventh individual birds, two Great White Egrets were seen together at Grune Point in 2017, a juvenile Long-tailed Skua seen off Workington in 2008 was the 40th Cumbrian record and the 111th individual bird since 1976, a Wryneck was at South Walney in 1983, single Yellow-browed Warblers were seen at Longtown in 1979 and at Tarnflatt Farm, St Bees Head until 25th October 2013 these were the third Cumbrian and 38th Cumbrian record and the third and 41st individual birds, Richard’s Pipits were seen at North Scales, Walney in 1990 staying until 21st October and at Hilpsford Point, Walney in 2007 staying until 23rd October these were the 17th    and 25th Cumbrian records.

21st October

A drake Green-winged Teal at Siddick Pond in 2007 was possibly the same as the  Campfield bird from 2007 – 2009 and the 15th Cumbrian record, the Brothers Water drake Ferruginous Duck returned on this day in 1989 for its second winter remaining until 19th March 1990 it was the second Cumbrian record, a Bittern was located at Siddick Pond in 1990 remaining until 8th February in 1991, a Pectoral Sandpiper was located near Brigsteer in 2011, it remained until 27th October 2011 and was the 26th Cumbrian record and the 25th individual bird, a Grey Phalarope at Snab Point, Walney in 2010 was still present the next day, it was the 35th Cumbrian record since 1974 and the 37th individual bird, single Yellow-browed Warblers were found at Bowness CWT Reserve in 2003 and at Rickerby Park, Carlisle in 2013, these were the 23rd and 39th Cumbrian records and the 25th and 42nd  individual birds, a Firecrest was located at Parton in 1999, a Red-breasted Flycatcher at South Walney in 1988 was the tenth Cumbrian record and the 12th individual bird, at South Walney  Richard’s Pipits were seen in 1993 and flying over the observatory garden in 2016 and were the 18th and 26th Cumbrian records respectively.

22nd October

Three adult Cranes were found on the Irt estuary in 2022 this was the 22nd Cumbrian record this century, a Great White Egret at Campfield remained until 26th October in 2016, a Bittern at Siddick Pond on this day in 1990 wintered until 24th February 1991, a Rough-legged Buzzard at Tindale (NY65) in 1985 was the 4th Cumbrian record of the 80’s, a Grey Phalarope at Hipsford Point, Walney in 2004 was the 26th Cumbrian record and the 29th individual bird since 1974, a Nutcracker was found at Fallbarrow Park, Bowness-on-Windermere in 1978 it was the first Cumbrian record, a Yellow-browed Warbler at South Walney in 1994 was the 17th Cumbrian record and the 19th individual bird, a Firecrest at South Walney remained until 23rd Otober in 1999 and another Firecrest was at Armathwaite in 2007, a Lapland Bunting remained at South Walney until 7th November in 1990, it was the 24th Cumbrian record and another Lapland Bunting on Walney in 2010 was the 39th Cumbrian record and the 42nd individual bird.

Ronnie Irving

Secretary CBC Records Panel

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