Week Commencing Monday 28th August 2023

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 28th August 2023

28th August

Four Spoonbills were seen on Rockcliffe Marsh until 29th August, three remaining until 31st August in 2002 these constituted the 40th Cumbrian record and the 49th to 52nd individual birds, a Pectoral Sandpiper was at Meathop until 30th August in 1984 it was the fifth Cumbrian record, a juvenile Sabine’s Gull seen at Walney Island in 2005 was the 21st Cumbrian record, Hobbies were seen at Barrow-in-Furness until 1st September in 1981 and in Carlisle in 2002.

29th August

A Cory’s Shearwater was seen flying south off Biggar Bank in 2015  it was the 14th Cumbrian record and the 16th individual bird, a Sooty Shearwater seen offshore at Selker in 1988 was the 22nd Cumbrian record and the 37th individual bird, a Stone Curlew found at Holker, Cartmel in 1976 was the fifth Cumbrian record and a Red-necked Phalarope that frequented Siddick Pond until 31st August in 1986 was the 30th Cumbrian record and the 31st individual bird.

30th August

A Cory’s Shearwater was seen flying north offshore at Selker in 1992 was the 12th Cumbrian record and the 14th individual bird, two Sooty Shearwaters were seen offshore at South Walney in 1984 this constitutes the 17th Cumbrian record and the 27th and 28th individual birds, a Balearic Shearwater seen offshore at South Walney in 1989 was the third Cumbrian record, a Yellow-legged Gull was seen on the beach at Haverigg (SD17U) in 2009 it was the 26th Cumbrian record,  sadly a Wryneck was found dead in Docker Wood, Kendal in 1976, a live Wryneck was seen at Stribers (SD38K) in 1981, Hobbies were seen in Middle Gelt in 1987 and in the Foulshaw Moss/Ulpha Meadows area in 2015, Melodious Warblers were found at South Walney in 1965 and 1993, these were the second and 15th Cumbrian records and the second and 16th individual birds and a first-winter Barred Warbler at Siddick in 1986 was the 12th Cumbrian record.

31st   August

Two drake Red-crested Pochards were found on the Irt estuary, one remaining until 15th September in 1991 always difficult to assess as to origin, this was thought to be the seventh Cumbrian record involving the ninth and tenth individual birds, a party of three Spoonbills, originally four birds when found on the 28th, were still present on Rockcliffe Marsh in 2002, this was  the 40th Cumbrian record, an immature Bittern at Grasmere in 1983 was an unexpected surprise and the 14th Cumbrian record since 1971, a Spotted Crake at Thornhill Meadows in 2002 was the first Cumbrian record this century, Wrynecks were seen at Tebay staying until 1st September in 1981 with another at Torver Low Common (SD29R) in 2013, Hobbies were seen at Hayton near Carlisle in 1987, at Middle Gelt in 1990  and at Beetham in 2016, a first-winter Barred Warbler found at South Walney remained until 3rd September in 1980 it was the seventh Cumbrian record, a Tawny Pipit at South Walney in 1996 was the fifth and last Cumbrian record to date, a juvenile Ortolan Bunting at South Walney in 2008 was the fifth Cumbrian record and a Lapland Bunting at Tindale Tarn in 2010 was the 36th Cumbrian record and the 40th individual bird.

1st September

A Honey-buzzard was seen on passage at South Walney in 1985, a sub-adult Crane on Campfield Marsh until 14th September 2003 was the 19th Cumbrian record and the 18th individual bird, an adult Pectoral Sandpiper at South Walney that remained until 2nd September in 2001 was the 19th Cumbrian record and the 17th individual bird, a splendid adult Sabine’s Gull was found on the River Eden at Rockcliffe in 1997 was the 13th Cumbrian record, a Turtle Dove at Siddick Pond in 1996 was a pleasant find as was a Wryneck in the Eden valley at Ormeside (NY71D) in 1974, a Hobby at Bewcastle (NY57) in 1997 and a Tawny Pipit at South Walney in 1984 was the fourth Cumbrian record.

2nd September

An Egyptian Goose at Halforth lingered from 9th April 2008 until this day in 2008 it was the 16th Cumbrian record, a female Red-crested Pochard seen on Siddick Pond in 1995 was the 14th Cumbrian record and the 18th individual bird, a female Ruddy Duck was found on the River Wampool at Anthorn in 2011 it relocated to Wedholme Flow on the 4th September 2011, a Sooty Shearwater off Biggar Bank in 2007 was the 32nd Cumbrian record and the 50th individual bird, a Balearic Shearwater off South Walney in 1988 was the second Cumbrian record, a Pectoral Sandpiper at Mere Tarn in 1987 was the seventh Cumbrian record, an adult Yellow-legged Gull was located at Bowness-on-Solway in 2001 it was the 15th Cumbrian record, a juvenile Hobby was seen on Campfield Marsh in 2001 and a Common Rosefinch at Kirksanton (SD18F) in 1986 was the second Cumbrian record.

3rd September

The adult Black-winged Pratincole found at Grune Point on 17th August 2000 was last seen on this day in 2000, it was the second Cumbrian record, an adult Hobby was seen in the Rusland valley in 1998, a Melodious Warbler near the coastguard station on Walney Island in 1981 was the eighth Cumbrian record, first-winter Barred Warblers on North Walney in 1989 and at South Walney in 1999 were the 16th and 24th Cumbrian records respectively, a Richard’s Pipit located at South Walney in 1985 was the fifth Cumbrian record and a juvenile Citrine Wagtail on the River Esk at Longtown until the 5th September in 2016 becomes the second Cumbrian record. 

Ronnie Irving

Secretary CBC Records Panel

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