Week Commencing Monday 17th July 2023

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 17th July 2023

17th July

Adult Spoonbills were located at South Walney in 1996 and on Rockcliffe Marsh in 2011 these were the 29th and 57th Cumbrian records, a Pectoral Sandpiper on the River Eden at Rockcliffe remained until 20th July in 1990, it was the 13th Cumbrian record and the 14th individual bird, a Red Kite was found at Kirkby Lonsdale in 1985, this preceded the Grizedale releases, an adult White-winged Black Tern was located on Cavendish Dock, Barrow in 1994, this was the fourth Cumbrian record and the fifth individual bird, Hobbies were found at Midgeholme (NY65) in 2002 and at Black Dyke Moss, Arnside lingering until 20th July in 2002.

18th July

A Sooty Shearwater passed Biggar Bank in 1979, it was the sixth Cumbrian record and the tenth individual, an adult Caspian Tern that remained at Siddick Pond until 20th July in 1999 was the third Cumbrian record, a Black-necked Grebe was located offshore at Skinburness in 2001, a Hobby was found at Drumburgh in 2006 and a Corn Bunting at Wiggon Rigg (NY35B) in 2002 was the last known bird until the most recent bird turned up at Walney in 2018.

19th July

A Black-throated Diver was seen off Campfield Marsh  in 1992, two Spoonbills found on the Kent Estuary that remained until 28th July in 1972 constituted the 12th Cumbrian record and were the 15th and 16th individual birds, a Greater Sand Plover on Walney Island that remained until 5th August in 1988 was a great find and remains the only Cumbrian record and a Hobby was found on Foulshaw Moss in 2013.

20th July

An immature Night-heron present at Watercrook, Kendal from 1st June remaining until this day in 1987 was the 13th Cumbrian record, Hobbies werefoundat Campfield Marsh in 2002, Wedholme Flow in 2010 and on the airfield at Kirkbride in 2015 and a Cetti’s Warbler found at South Walney in 2019 was the fifth Cumbrian record and the first in July.

21st July

A Spoonbill found at South Walney in 1970 was the 11th Cumbrian record, a Spotted Crake at South Walney in 1985 was the fourth Cumbrian record since 1981 and Hobbies were seen on Talkin Fell in 2010 and at Tindale in 2013.

22nd July

A Madeira/Cape Verde Petrel was seen off Walney Island in 2001, it was later removed from the British List see BB Vol96:547, also Ibis 160:238  (Appendix 1 Species and subspecies removed from the British List), an immature Night-heron found at Dalton-in-Furness on 15th June in 1987 was last noted on this day was the 14th Cumbrian record, a male Ring-necked Parakeet was located at Sizergh Castle in 1993 and female/immature Golden Orioles were seen at at Killington Reservoir and on Meathop Crags in 1990, these were the 29th and 30th Cumbrian records.

23rd July

No Records

Ronnie Irving

Secretary CBC Records Panel

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