Week Commencing Monday 10th July 2023

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 10th July 2023

10th July

A Spoonbill on Soddy Gap Pools (NY03R) stayed overnight in 2012  it was the 59th Cumbrian record and a Nightjar was heard ‘churring’ near Egremont in 1990.

11th July

A good day for White-winged Black Terns with an adult located at Burgh-by-Sands (NY35E) staying until 13th July in 1987, this was the second Cumbrian record, and a second-summer bird at Port Carlisle that remained until 22nd July in 2001 was the sixth Cumbrian record and the seventh individual bird, Hobbies were seen in 2011 at Foulshaw Moss and at Thacka Beck NR and a male Dartford Warbler found at Hillock Whins, Walney Island in 1994 was the first Cumbrian record.

12th July

A Red-crested Pochard duck that lingered at Arnside until 15th July in 2005 was considered to be an escape from the nearby duck pond at Grange-over-Sands on the other side of the estuary, a Cory’s Shearwater seen offshore at Biggar Bank, Walney in 2001 was the 13th Cumbrian record and the 15th individual bird, an adult Night-heron was photographed on the River Kent near Natland in 2020, it was the 19th Cumbrian record and only the second one this century, an adult Corncrake with three juveniles seen near Abbeytown in 1990 was strongly suggestive of successful breeding, a lucky individual had a flyover Bee-eater over Arnside Knott (SD47) in 1996 it was the fourth Cumbrian record and a Hobby hunted over Caldbeck Common in 2014.

13th July

The drake Ring-necked Duck  first found on the River Kent in Kendal in 1992 visited most of the local reservoirs and tarns in that time, it was seen on Killington Reservoir from 3rd May in 1995 remaining until this date, an adult Yellow-legged Gull located at Sandside in 2001 was approximately the 14th Cumbrian record, Hobbies were seen at Foulshaw Moss in 2011, in Geltsdale until 14th July in 2014 and at Bowness-on-Solway and Ambleside in 2015, an adult Rose-coloured Starling seen by a lucky observer at Low Fell End, Whitbarrow in 2002 was the fourth Cumbrian record since 1991 and a singing male Spanish Sparrow at Waterside (NY24) in 1996, was the first Cumbrian record and only the sixth British record it caused a major national twitch that was without precedent, it remained until 13th December 1998.

14th July

A Turtle Dove was located at Dubbs Moss in 1990, two Bee-eaters flying over Wetheral railway station in 2015 were probably part of the group that nested in a nearby sand quarry at Brampton this constituted the 11th Cumbrian record and an immature Hobby was seen at Cowpren Point, Flookburgh in 1991.

15th July

The drake Ring-necked Duck mentioned earlier in Kendal appeared on Killington Reservoir where it was present from 19th April in 1994 remaining until this date, an adult Spoonbill seen earlier at South Walney was seen on Foulney Island in 1993 it was the 24th Cumbrian record, a first-summer Ring-billed Gull found at Ormsgill Reservoir remained until 17th July in 1992, it was the sixth Cumbrian record, a family group of  three juvenile Corncrakes seen near Isel Bridge (NY13) until 19th July suggested successful breeding in 1987, the usual adult Yellow-legged Gull returned to Arnside for its 13th autumn remaining until 6th November in 1999, Hobbies were noted with one on Talkin Fell in 2006 and two frequenting the Foulshaw Moss and Ulpha Meadows area in 2015.

16th July

An adult Crane on the Irt Estuary near Drigg (SD09) until 24th July in 2002 was the 15th Cumbrian record, an adult Yellow-legged Gull returned to Arnside for its 11th autumn remaining until 8th November in 1997, an adult Roseate Tern was seen at Hodbarrow in 2019, a ‘churring’ Nightjar was heard on one of the northern mosses and a Hobby appeared in Geltsdale in 2016.

Ronnie Irving

Secretary CBC Records Panel

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