Week Commencing Monday 3rd July 2023

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 26th June 2023

3rd July

A Cattle Egret found at Appleby in 1964 was the first county record.

4th July

Two adult Roseate Terns were found at Hodbarrow in 2009 this constituted the fifth Cumbrian record this century and all at Hodbarrow and an Alpine Swift was shot at Low Mill House in Egremont in 1842 this was the first county record.

5th July

A Cory’s Shearwater was seen off South Walney in 1990 it was the 11th Cumbrian record and all are from Walney, a Crane seen between Calvo Marsh and Salt Cotes (NY15) stayed until 12th August in 1992 was the eighth Cumbrian record, an adult Yellow-legged Gull returned to Sandside for its third consecutive year in 2000 and two adult Roseate Terns put in an appearance at Hodbarrow in 1992 the second county record that year.

6th July

A sad little female Ruddy Duck was found at Hodbarrow it remained until 14th July in 2013, following the infamous cull if one turned up now it would be classed as a vagrant, an adult and a juvenile Spoonbill looked quite at home at Newbiggin Viaduct (SD09X) in 2008, this was the tenth Cumbrian record this century, a Crane that appeared in Borrowdale in 2004 was considered to be the same bird that temporarily resided mainly at North Plain Farm and was the 23rd Cumbrian record; a male Golden Oriole was seen at Aldingham (SD26) in 1993, it was the 31st Cumbrian record.

7th July

An adult Spoonbill remained at South Walney until 30th July in 1993 it was the 23rd Cumbrian record, a Corncrake near Brampton in 1981 was also heard there on 26th May, an adult Roseate Tern seen at Hodbarrow in 1991 was the fourth Cumbrian record of the 1990’s, an unseasonal Long-tailed Skua turned up at South Walney in 1995, a Turtle Dove feedingwith Collared Doves in a town garden in Kendal in 2008 was only the tenth record this century, a Hobby was seen near Askham, Penrith in 1979 and Red-backed Shrikes found at St Bees Head in 1974 and at Howtown, Martindale (NY41P) in 1979 were the third and fifth Cumbrian records since 1969.

8th July

Bizarrely, a Nightjar roosted beneath the wardens caravan on Foulney Island in 1991, Hobbies were seen at Haweswater in 2003 and Carlisle in 2014 and a pair of Golden Orioles took up residence at Wet Sleddale until 14th August in 1965 constituting the 14th Cumbrian record.

9th July

Great Shearwaters were seen from St Bees Head in 1974 and 1990, these were the first, eighth and last Cumbrian records to date, a Stone Curlew at Ravenglass in 1988 was the seventh Cumbrian record and the ninth individual bird, an adult Roseate Tern visited Hodbarrow in 2005 it was the 16th Cumbrian record since 1990, a Long-tailed Skua was offshore at Silloth in 2003 and a Hobby was seen around Tindale in 2013.

Ronnie Irving

Secretary CBC Records Panel

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