Week Commencing Monday 26th June 2023

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 26th June 2023

26th June

A first-summer Ross’s Gull was a reward for ‘a supreme optimist’ it was found loafing at Workington harbour and it remained until 30th June in 1994 and remains the only county record, two adult Roseate Terns were seen together at Hodbarrow in 2005 this was the 15th Cumbrian record since 1990 and a Turtle Dove was seen at Tindale (NY65) in 2005 was the seventh Cumbrian record this century.

27th June

A Great White Egret found at Bassenthwaite Lake remained until 1st July in 2006 it was the fourth Cumbrian record, a Roller was located on the airfield at North Walney in 1992 was the eighth and most recent Cumbrian record and a singing male Blyth’s Reed Warbler took up residence at Longlands Lake, Egremont in 2020, it remained until 1st July and was the second Cumbrian record.

28th June

An adult Long-tailed Skua was seen off South Walney in 1996 it was the 18th Cumbrian record  and a male ‘Channel’ Wagtail foundin the Yellow Wagtail populationnear Langwathby (NY53B) in 2015 was the third Cumbrian example of this hybrid.

29th June

A Corncrake was photographed at Eskmeals it remained until 2nd July in 1998 and a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker was found at Dalston (NY35Q) in 2007 it was the tenth Cumbrian record this century.

30th June

A Spoonbill at Rockcliffe Marsh in 2011 was approximately the 55th Cumbrian record, the Spotted Crake first foundat Portinscaleon 30th May in 1986 was last seen on this date, it was the sixth Cumbrian record of the 80’s,  a first-summer male Red-footed Falcon was seen at Shap Wells in 1986 it was the third county record and the first since one at Alston in May 1932 and a Greenish Warbler trapped and ringed at South Walney in 1992 was the second county record and also the second that month in Cumbria.

1st July

An eclipse drake Blue-winged Teal was found at Biggar Bank on Walney Island in 2000 this was the second Cumbrian record, a Corncrake was heard between Bridgefoot and Greysouthen (NY02) in 1995 and another ‘aural’ record of at least four ‘churring’ Nightjars were counted on the Border Mosses in 2015.

2nd July

An adult Pacific Golden Plover was found at Port Carlisle and then seen at Anthorn remaining until 8th July in 2005 these were the fourth and fifth Cumbrian records, a ‘churring’ male Nightjar was heard on five occasions in the north of the county remaining until 29th July in 1999 and a Ring-necked Parakeet was present in Barrow-in-Furness in 2013.

Ronnie Irving

Secretary CBC Records Panel

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