Week Commencing Monday 1st May 2023

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 1st May 2023

1st May

A summer-plumaged White-billed Diver was seen ‘at sea’ off Maryport in 1993 because it was outside the three mile limit it didn’t count as a Cumbrian record, a pity because a little nearer to land and it would have been a  county first,  a Black-necked Grebe  was seen off Bowness-on-Solway in 1998, an adult Pectoral Sandpiper was at North Plain Farm in 2004  it was the 22nd Cumbrian record, the long staying Spotted Sandpiper at Cavendish Dock, Barrow-in-Furness from 3rd November 1989 was last seen on this day in 1990 it was the second Cumbrian record, a Long-tailed Skua was seen in the Inner Solway in 1988, an adult Sabine’s Gull was found at Whitehaven and on 2nd May in 1998, it was only the seventh Cumbrian record, a Bee-eater at Biggar Bank in 2013 was the ninth Cumbrian record and a singing Ortolan Bunting in the Willow Woods, North Walney in 1988 was the second Cumbrian record.

2nd May

The drake King Eider that was first discovered at South Walney on 10th June 1979 remaining until the  23rd June, returned there on the 12th April and remained until this date in 1980 it remains the only county record, a Black-throated Diver was seen off Bowness-on-Solway in 2010, two Black-necked Grebes were found at Talkin Tarn in 1998, a Cattle Egret first seen at Hodbarrow on 27th April remained until this day in 2019 was the 12th Cumbrian record, a male Red-necked Phalarope found on Rockcliffe Marsh on  28th April was last seen on this day in 1976 and was the 21st Cumbrian record and a Hoopoe was on the golf-links at Seascale in 2007 it was the eighth Cumbrian record this century.

3rd May

A Corncrake was heard calling at Nethertown (NX90) in 1990, two Cranes first seen on the Kent Estuary in April in 2015, later turned up at Drumburgh on this day, this was the 32nd Cumbrian record, a first-winter Iceland Gull frequented Tarns Dub from 18th April until this day in 1992 it was the 32nd Cumbrian record and two Turtle Doves were at South Walney this was the first Cumbrian record of the 1990’s.

4th May

A Great White Egret in Kettlewell Bay, Derwentwater in 2008 was the eighth Cumbrian record, a Corncrake was calling at Strands (NY10) in 1979, a Long-tailed Skua was seen at Bowness-on-Solway in 2004, a wintering Turtle Dove in Millom from 1st January in 1992 was the 13th Cumbrian record of the 1990’s, a Chough on Hutaple Crag (NY366121) Deepdale in 2009 this was the sixth Cumbrian record this century, a Red-spotted Bluethroat on Foulshaw Moss in 2015 was the eleventh Cumbrian record and the eighth of this race and a Richard’s Pipit on Sandscale Haws in 1984 was the ninth Cumbrian record.

5th May

A drake Ring-necked Duck at Talkin Tarn until 21st May in 1999 was the 24th Cumbrian record, the first ever Cumbrian Black Kite was seen flying over Baycliffe (SD27) in 1988, single  Hoopoes were found at Plumpton (NY43) in 1999 and Middle Foulshaw in 2002 the last Cumbrian record of the 20th century and the third Cumbrian record of this century respectively, a Cetti’s Warbler at Baycliff in 2021 was a continuation of the 13th Cumbrian record from March 2021, a singing Serin in Ambleside in 2008 was the third Cumbrian record and single male Lapland Buntings were found at Derwentwater in 1959 and on Rockcliffe Marsh in 1980 they were the fourth and tenth Cumbrian records respectively.

6th May

A Glossy Ibis that remained at Ulpha Meadows until 9th May in 2012 was the eighth Cumbrian record, a Turtle Dove was seen at South Walney in 1995, a White Tailed Eagle was seen at Hayton near Brampton in 2020, it was the third Cumbrian record since 2009, two Bee-eaters at Seathwaite in 2003 constituted the seventh Cumbrian record and the 13th and 14th individual birds, a singing Wryneck was found in Natland in 2000 it was the first Cumbrian record this century, a Woodchat Shrike at Torver, Coniston in 2006 was the seventh Cumbrian record, , a Bearded Tit at Fellfoot, Lake Windermere in 1995 was the sixth Cumbrian record since 1978, a Water Pipit was seen on Lonscale Fell in 1987 and a Corn Bunting on Walney in 2018 was the first Cumbrian record since 2002.

7th May

A White Stork that toured Watercrook, Sizergh Castle and Gilpin Bridge in 1993 constituted the 13th, 14th & 15th Cumbrian records, four adult Long-tailed Skuas were seen off Bowness-on-Solway in 1998, a Shore Lark at Skinburness in 1920 was the eighth Cumbrian record and the only Cumbrian record of a Western Bonelli’s Warbler comes from Walney Island in 1984.

Ronnie Irving

Secretary CBC Records Panel

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