Black-winged Stilt

Sighting date: 2023-04-18. 

Submitted by: Julian Smith. 

Location: Winder Gate, Frizington – garden flyover. 

I was in my garden at c7.30am. enjoying the beautiful April sunshine, killing time before the daily the school run, when I heard a familiar but out-of-context call, repeated several times. When I looked up I couldn’t believe my eyes as a Black-winged Stilt winged its way purposefully NW.

Excellent, albeit rather brief view, in gorgeous early morning sunshine, with the following characteristics noted:

  • distinctive call
  • unmistakeable proportions with long red legs (!) extending well beyond tail, and neck extended
  • white underparts
  • dark underwings
  • pointed wings with rather fast wingbeats
  • rather long, fine, dark bill

Black-winged Stilt on the Frizington garden list!

A remarkably similar sighting to that posted by Anita Evans on the on Sunday 16th April.

Julian Smith