Week Commencing Monday 27th February 2023

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 27th February 2023

27th February

A Snow Goose consorted with Barnacle Geese between Anthorn and Bowness-on-Solway from 10th November 2015 it was seen at Anthorn on this day in 2016 and wintering Bitterns were seen at Siddick Pond in 1987 and at Urswick Tarn (SD27S) in 2010.

28th February

A Black-throated Diver was seen off Hilpford Point, Walney in 2010, a Red Kite was seen at Burnbanks (NY51) in 1990 pre-dating the Grizedale releases, a Common Crane was found at Lilyhall, Workington (NY02H) in 2005 was the 25th Cumbrian record and the Water Pipits wintering in the Biggar area on Walney numbered four in 2009.

1st March

A Red Kite was seen in the Naddle Valley (NY51) in1990 pre-dating the Grizedale releases, a 2CY Iceland Gull was seen at South Walney inn 2002 it was the 57th Cumbrian record, a first-winter Rose-coloured Starling relocated to a Kendal garden on 31st January until this day in 2010  it had spent the earlier part of the winter in a garden at New Hutton from 21st November 2009 until 8th January 2010 and constituted the seventh and eighth Cumbrian records since 1898 and a Water Pipit wintered in the Rampside area until this day in 2010.

2nd March

Three Shore Larks were present at Sandscale Haws (SD17) from 14th February 1997 they were last seen on this day in 1997, these constituted the 19th Cumbrian record and the 23rd to 25th individual birds and an Arctic Redpoll present at the Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle from 6th January was last noted on this day in 1996 it was the second Cumbrian record.

3rd March

An adult Egyptian Goose was found at Holme St Cuthbert (NY14D) in 2005 it was the eighth Cumbrian record and the 11th individual bird, a Rough-legged Buzzard seen flying south at Tindale Tarn in 2008 was the 23rd Cumbrian record since 1974, an adult female Kentish Plover frequented the west beach at North Walney until 12th April 1994 it was the second Cumbrian record, a 2CY Iceland Gull seen at Workington in 1984 was the 12th Cumbrian record, a first-winter Iceland Gull that frequented Whitehaven, Parton and Workington from 8th January 2012 was last seen on this day, it was the 71st Cumbrian record, the Great Grey Shrike found on Dalton Crags (SD57N) on 8th January 2006 was seen again on this day staying until 19th March 2006 it was the 13th Cumbrian record since 1994 and a  Water Pipit was seen on Roa Island causeway in 2014.

4th March

A white morph adult Snow Goose consorted with ‘grey’ geese at Newton Marsh until 25th March 2007 was probably only the third genuine Cumbrian record in recent years, A Sooty Shearwater was seen off South Walney in 1983 it was the 13th Cumbrian record and the 18th individual bird and a Water Pipit was noted on Cavendish Dock, Barrow in 1984..

5th March

Two Tundra Bean Geese were seen at Longtown in 2012 this was the tenth Cumbrian record of this decade, a Cattle Egret found at Lessonhall (NY25F) remaining until 20th March 2019, was the 11th Cumbrian record, the Avocet first seen at Cavendish Dock on 14th February 1995 was last seen there on this day, Great Grey Shrikes were in evidence with singles at Dalton Crags (SD57N) until 17th March 2015 and at Croglin (NY54T) in 2016, these were the 12th and 15th Cumbrian records of the decade.

Ronnie Irving

Secretary CBC Records Panel

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