Week Commencing Monday 23rd January 2023

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 23rd January 2023

23rd January

The well-travelled drake Ring-necked Duck in the Kendal area was present on Ratherheath Tarn remaining until 26th January 1996 it was the 22nd Cumbrian record, a Grey Phalarope remained at Slape Scar, Windermere (SD39Y) until 27th January 2006, a Chough located on St Bees Head was probably the same bird seen at Walney Island the previous day it remained in the area until 30th March 2005 it was the second Cumbrian record this century.

24th January

A drake Green-winged Teal was seen at Hodbarrow in 2011 it was the 19th Cumbrian record, an adult drake Ring-necked Duck took up residence on Grasmere until 30th March 2006 it was the 27th  Cumbrian record, a Black-necked Grebe settled on a small pond near Lindal-in-Furness (SD27M) it remained until 7th February 2018, the first-winter Glossy Ibis first seen at Black Dyke Moss on 15th December 2011 was seen again on this day and remained until 26th April 2012 it was the sixth Cumbrian record, a Bittern was seen at South Walney in 1984, a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker was seen at Birds Park, Kendal in 1991 it was the first Cumbrian record of the 90’s, a male Bearded Tit was seen in the Cavendish Dock reed beds on this day in 1999, it remained until 8th February 1999 and it was the sixth Cumbrian record since 1978 and the 29th individual bird and a Shore Lark was found at South Walney in 1984 it was the 16th Cumbrian record.

25th January

An adult Red-breasted Goose was seen intermittently on Burgh Marsh until 6th March 1993 it was the third Cumbrian record.

26th January

In 2003 Bitterns appeared at Mere Tarn and at Lantern Moss Tarn, Braystones (NY00).

27th January

A Red Kite was seen on Helsington Barrows (SD49) in 1991 it was the 15th Cumbrian record and pre-dated the Grizedale releases by some 20 years, a Rough-legged Buzzard was seen on Ashfell (NY70) remaining until 30th March 1979, it was the sixth Cumbrian record since 1974, amazingly a Snowy Owl was seen in Langdale in 1959 it was the second Cumbrian record, a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker was seen on Arnside Knott in 2001 and a Ring-necked Parakeet was seen on Chairmans Walk, Walney in 2015.

28th January

A Lesser White-fronted Goose at Park Farm, Dalton-in-Furness in 2008 was consorting with Greylags, it was considered an escape from captivity, a drake American Wigeon was seen on Roosecote Sands in 2006 it lingered until 3rd February and was the ninth Cumbrian record, a Bittern was seen on Kendal Sewage Works in 1977, a group of four Common Cranes toured Northern England in 2006 and were seen over Haweswater on this day, they constituted the 15th Cumbrian record this century and a Firecrest settled in at Millwood, Dalton-in-Furness until 2nd February 2016.

29th January

A Black-throated Diver was seen off Parton in 2014, a first-winter Iceland Gull found on South Walney in 1994 was approximately the 39th Cumbrian record and a Little Auk was seen in 2016 off Workington and again the next day.

30th January

A wing-tagged Red Kite from the Scottish re-introduction scheme was seen at Woodland (SD28) it remained in the area until March 1996 and a fifth Water Pipit joined the four already on Walney Island in 2010.

Ronnie Irving

Secretary CBC Records Panel

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