Week Commencing Monday 9th January 2023

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 9th January 2023

9th January

A drake Ruddy Duck was at Hodbarrow in 2011 and a Black-necked Grebe was seen off South Walney in 1999 and a Great Grey Shrike was seen at Long Marton (NY62S) it remained until 28th January 2011 and it was the 24th Cumbrian record since 1997.

10th January

A Black-necked Grebe seen off Foulney in 1999 was thought to be the same as previously seen off South Walney, a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker was seen in Wreay Woods (NY45) in 2000 it was the 20th Cumbrian record since 1991 and up to four Water Pipits remained at South Walney until 12th April 2016.

11th January

A drake Green-winged Teal was found at Newbiggin viaduct it remained until 19th January 2004 and it was the tenth Cumbrian record, a Red Kite stayed overnight at Wilton (NY01) in 1994 it was the 16th Cumbrian record and pre-dated the Grizedale releases, a first-winter Iceland Gull was found at South Walney in 1997 and a third-winter Iceland Gull was found at Crosby-on-Eden in 2012, a Ring-necked Parakeet frequented Bowness-on-Windermere in 2009 and a Water Pipit found at Haweswater in 1987 was the tenth Cumbrian record.

 12th January

Two drake Red-crested Pochards were seen at Tindale Tarn in 1992 these constituted the ninth Cumbrian record and the 12th and 13th individual birds, a first-winter drake Lesser Scaup was found on the River Eden at Armathwaite remaining until 14th January 2003 it was the first Cumbrian record, a first-winter Iceland Gull was seen at Sellafield in 1994 it was the 39th Cumbrian record and an adult Yellow-legged Gull was seen on five dates at South Walney up to 19th March 2000.

13th  January

The first-winter Black Brant first found at Rampside (SD26N) in December 2012 was relocated on this day in 2013 and remained in the area until 12th April 2013 it was the first Cumbrian record, a white morph adult Snow Goose was seen on Campfield Marsh in 2010 was not thought to be of wild origin, a drake Smew was found on Derwent Water in 2018, it remained until 1st April, a Grey Phalarope was seen at Parton in 2007 and was the 30th Cumbrian record since 1974, a first-winter Iceland Gull frequented the refuse tip at South Walney in 2008 it was the 63rd Cumbrian record, a Shore Lark was found near the Coastguard Station, Walney in 2004 it remained until 16th  January and a Water Pipit was seen on Tummerhill Marsh, Walney in 2009.

14th January

An Egyptian Goose was seen at High Fairbanks (SD49) before moving to Windermere the next day, it was the first Cumbrian record of the 90’s, a drake Green-winged Teal was seen on Campfield Marsh remaining until 15th January 2005, it was the 12th Cumbrian record, two Black-necked Grebes were seen off Walney Island in 2012, up to four Bitterns were wintering at Siddick Pond in 2006 and a Great White Egret was seen at Kents Bank in 2012.

15th January

A Bittern was found at Longtown GP in 1985 and a first-winter Iceland Gull frequented Whitehaven harbour until 19th April 2002.

Ronnie Irving

Secretary CBC Records Panel

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