Week Commencing Monday 2nd January 2023

Records from the archives – On This Day

For week commencing Monday 2nd January 2023

2nd January

The flock of 23 Tundra Bean Geese at Cargo dispersed after this date in 2012, the very popular drake Ring-necked Duck that toured the Kendal area took up intermittent residence at Killington until 3rd May 1993, a Great White Egret was seen at Kents Bank in 2010, a Water Pipit was seen at Rampside in 2014, a Ring-necked Parakeet was at Vickerstown, Walney until 13th January 2014 it was the 17th Cumbrian record.

3rd January

A drake Green-winged Teal seen at Newbiggin viaduct (SD09X) in 2010 was the sixth Cumbrian record, , two female Ring-necked Ducks first found on Longtown Ponds on  27th December 2021 remained until this day in 2022, a drake Ruddy Duck was found at Hodbarrow it remained until 24th January 2010, two Black-necked Grebes were found on Bassenthwaite Lake in 2003, a Bittern was seen on Bassenthwaite Lake in 1997, a Red Kite that frequented the Lorton valley from 27th December 1990 was seen again on this date it pre-dated the Grizedale releases, the Rough-legged Buzzard foundat Santon on 5th December 2013 was last seen on this date in 2014, a first-winter Iceland Gull frequented the harbour at Whitehaven until 7th April 1998 it was approximately the 47th Cumbrian record, a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker was found at Grange-over-Sands in 2003 and a Water Pipit was seen at Rampside in 2010.

4th January

The blue morph Snow Goose of unknown origin was first seen at Abbeytown on 30th December 2011 was still there again on this day remaining until 6th January 2012, drake Green-winged Teals were seen at Hodbarrow  and Campfield Marsh on the same day in 2012, these were the 22nd and 23rd Cumbrian records, a Long-billed Dowitcher first seen at Port Carlisle on 13th November 2009 was last seen there on this date in 2010 it was the sixth Cumbrian record and the seventh individual bird, a first-winter Iceland Gull was found at Sellafield it remained until 8th January 2000 and was approximately the 53rd Cumbrian record and a Water Pipit was found on North End Marsh, Walney in 2010.

5th January

The Todd’s Canada Goose first found at Cardurnock on 27th October 2012 returned for its second winter on 10th November 2013 remaining in the Cardurnock area until this day in 2014, this was the second Cumbrian record, a first-winter Caspian Gull was found on Ullswater in 2021, long overdue it was the first Cumbrian record, Great Grey Shrikes were seen on Dalton Crags in 2015, and on Blawith Common, Coniston in 2017,  a Yellow-browed Warbler was photographed in a Brampton garden in 2007 it was the 25th Cumbrian record and the 27th individual bird and a Water Pipit at South Walney in 1981 was the fifth Cumbrian record.

6th January

A Bittern remained at Siddick Pond until 16th February 2005 , a Great White Egret was seen at Sellafield in 2008 it was the seventh Cumbrian record, a Common Crane first seen on Flookburgh Marsh on 30th September 1979 was last seen on this date in 1980, Water Pipits wereseen on the flooded fields at Biggar Bank, Walney until 22nd March in 2011 with up to three seen in the Bardsea area until 21st March 2011 and an Arctic Redpoll frequented a car parking area at the Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle until 2nd March 1996 it was the second Cumbrian record.

7th January

A drake Ring-necked Duck on Coniston Water until 8th April 1988 was the fourth Cumbrian record, a Black-throated Diver was seen offshore at Workington in 2011 it was the sixth Cumbrian record of this century, a Spotted Crake was seen at South Walney until 11th January in 1986 was the seventh Cumbrian record since 1981, a Great Grey Shrike was found at Chamot Hill, Kershope (NY47) it remained until 9th January in 1999  it was the fourth Cumbrian record since 1997.

8th January

Two Tundra Bean Geese were seen at Rickerby, Carlisle in 2012 a remnant of the large numbers recorded the previous November, a drake Green-winged Teal was at Campfield Marsh in 2006 was presumed to be the same returning bird from 2005, it was the fourth Cumbrian record, a first-winter Iceland Gull took up residence in the Whitehaven/Parton/Workington harbour area until 3rd March 2012 it was approximately the 69th Cumbrian record, a Great Grey Shrike was seen at Dalton Crags (SD57N) remaining until 19th March 2006 it was the 13t Cumbrian record since 1997, three Shore Larks remained at South Walney until 19th February 1977 this was the 14th Cumbrian record, two Siberian Chiffchaffs were seen at Longtown, they remained until 10th February 2020 and are the first accepted Cumbrian records and a Firecrest was found at Siddick Pond in 2017.

Ronnie Irving

Secretary CBC Records Panel

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